Barely know you

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"A teacher?" I spit the milk, I was recently drinking, out, directly on Chris' food.
"Where did you get that idea?" Chris just looked disgusted and amused on his, now with milk covered, meal. Then his eyes met my eyes.
"Well you said it."
"I didn't."
"You did."
"You said it inderectly." I sighed. Time for improvisation.
"For god's sake Chris that all was a lie. I've a boyfriend but he's not even on our school."
"I don't believe you." I rolled my eyes. Damn. Why can't he just believe it? If Chris will find out Downey and me will get into big trouble. Really big trouble, especially Downey. He'll probably get jaile-...
"Did you and your not-a-teacher-or-even-a-guy-from-this-school-boyfriend had sex already?" What the...? What is wrong with this guy. My cheeks became red and I looked down to the table. Memories of last night popped into my head.
He was holding my hands over my head, his body was pressing down mine so I could barely move. His teeth were carefully scratching over the soft skin of my neck and my shoulder...
I shivered and bit my lip.
"Ams? You're okay?" I nodded, still trying to get myself away of those thoughts.
"So did you had sex?"
"Yes." He formed an "oh" with his lips and looked at me. Our eyes met.
"Since when are you two a couple?"
"Uh..." Difficult question... so the day before yesterday I was drunk and we made out... yesterday he was at my house for dinner and then... Holy shit! How did that happen? In 17 years I never had a first kiss even with guys I knew a long time and then comes this new teacher and lose my virginity to him in less then three days. Oh my god...
"Like two or three days maybe...?" Chris raised his eyebrow.
"So you have a boyfriend who is older than you. You're in a relationship with him since three days and you already had sex?" I slowly nodded biting my lip out of nervousness.
"Did he take your virginity?" Now I was completely red all over my face. How can he ask that? I barely know him too. Who does he think he is?
"You should stop asking questions Chris..."
"He did take your virginity? Oh god. You were sober, right?" Now I got angry.
"I said you should stop asking questions Chris! This is not your business! I also know you since only three days why do you think I can already trust you? I barely know you!"
Chris was obviously shocked but then also got kinda pissed.
"So you know him also only three days? So it took you three days to meet someone, who's older than you by the way and probably your teacher, to get into a relationship with this person and let him take your virginity? But you say to me that you barely know me?" I clenched my fists and stood fastly up.
"Fuck you Chris. That's a different thing!" I grabbed my stuff and stormed out of the cafeteria, followed by shouts of Maddy, who was trying to run after me and stop me.


I have the feeling I lost like over 50% of my readers... but I don't care that much because I know there are a few people out there who like this story and that makes me happy.
Thanks for reading this story! :)


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