First time

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Warning: Very smutty.

My mum looked at me then back to Downey and again back to me.
"Well... uh... I'll better go now otherwise I'll come late to work..." With that she stood up and wiggled her eyebrow at me. In response I just rolled my eyes. My hand was still resting on Downey's crotch, who was still red all over his face and not saying anything.
"Bye mum." I simply said. There were a few minutes of silence til my mum left. When we heard the door falling into the lock Downey let out a deep breath then he looked at me.
"Why did you do that?" He asked a little bit annoyed.
"Well... Downey... you know... for my amusement and maybe also for yours..." I bit my lip and looked down at the bugle in his jeans. Then I stood up and smiled innocently at him.
"So... what are you planning to do tonight?" I asked him while I grabbed the empty plates and glasses to bring them in the kitchen. He didn't answered.
"Downey?" I asked again while I put the plates in the dishwasher. When I leaned up again I felt some hands at my waist. Slowly I turned around and Downey's dark brown eyes met mine.
"That." He said with a deep voice and kissed me passionately and hungrily. I gasped and he pushed his tongue in my mouth. His body was pressing mine against the kitchen counter and I could feel something hard at my thigh. Well... I'm so losing my virginity tonight. His hands were stroking up and down my sides, making me get goosebumps. My hands found their way in his fluffy darkbrown hair. He pressed me even more against the counter and I jumped so that I was kinda sitting on the counter and had my legs slung around his hips. His hands were at my ass now and mine were at his collar, slowly opening the buttons of his shirt. One hand of his moved up to the zipper of my dress when I slowly pulled away.
"B-bedroom." I said between my heavy breaths and he nodded. He carried me in the postion we were and I told him the way to my bedroom between kisses. When we entered ny bedroom he let me fall on the bed and crawled over me. I continued opening the buttons his shirt faster now and he was busy with getting me out of my dress. I finally managed to get his shirt off and stared at his chest. This man was damn good looking. I threw his shirt to the ground and all our other clothes followed...
We were only in underwear now and he was kissing his way down my neck to my collar bone and ny shoulders. I moaned when his lips met a sensitive spot. He shortly looked up to me and smirked.
"Enjoying it?"
"Yes. Damn I do. Faster. Please." I said between heavy breaths.
"First time?" I nodded while biting my lip.
"Sure you want to have it with me?" He asked a bit more serious now.
"God, Downey. Of course! Continue... please..." He smirked and continued placing kisses on my skin while his hands opened the clip of my bra. I was a bit nervous now... what was when he didn't like my looking? He slowly slipped it off me and looked at me. I tried to hide my chest with my hands but he pulled them away.
"You're beautiful. Don't worry." I smiled shyly and then stroked my hands over his chest down to his boxers, slowly pulling them down. I was suprised by his... you know. It was bigger than I expected. I bit my lip looking and made eye contact with Downey when I carefully pulled down my panties. I'm so damn ready for this.

Hehehehehehe... okay honestly this was the first time I wrote something like this. Don't judge me for that. xD I'm not good in this. I hope you liked it anyway.


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