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He sighed.
"Meet me in the break in my office."
"What are you planning?" I asked and he put his hand on my leg.
"Well... wouldn't it be exciting to-..."
"Nope. Not in school. The chance to get caught is to high." He looked in my eyes.
"Come on. You can't do this to me. The memories of last night make me want to repeat it again." Now he was looking with puppy eyes at me.
"Well Downey I'm sorry but we won't do it in school." I grinned stupidly at him and he let go of me.
"Okay... can we make a compromise? After school you'll meet me at my car and we'll go to my place."
"Mhhh... okay. Deal." I smiled at him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
"Back into the classroom now." He ordered in his teacher voice. Actually there are like two Downeys, the private Downey and the teacher Downey. The private Downey is a nice, caring and cute person but the teacher Downey is just an asshole.
I opened the door to the classroom and enterd it with my teacher close behind me. I sat down at my table again and Downey continued his lesson...
The bell rang and all pupils, including me, stormed out of the room into the now busy and overfilled halls.
"Ams!" Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned my head to identify the person, it was Chris.
"Hey Chris, how're you?" He smiled and started walking next to me.
"I'm fine and you?"
"Couldn't be better."
"Do you want to spend the break with me?"
"Sure. Do you mind if my best friend Maggy would join us?"
"Not at all." He leaded me to an empty table in the cafeteria. A few minutes later Maggy also arrived.
"What did Downey tell you outside Ams?" She instantly asked and Chris looked up to Maggy. I bit my lip and blushed.
"Uhm... you know... standard stuff... that I should concentrate more in the lessons and so on..." We continued talking a bit about school til we started talking about private stuff.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Chris asked after Maddy told us about a guy she is dating at the moment.
"Uh... yes. Yes. I have a boyfriend." Why did he ask that question? And I don't even know if Downey and me are a couple. To be honest we just made out with each other and so on.
"Uh la la... who's your boyfriend?" Chris asked now pretty interested in this topic. Maggy chuckled and gave me a Have-Fun-To-Explain-Look.
"Well... I won't tell you." I easily said.
"Why? Is he ugly?"
"No. I just don't wanna tell you."
"Is he on our school?"
"Good. One information more. Is he older than you?"
"Uh... yes." Shit. I shouldn't have said that.
"So he is also a senior?"
"N-... uh I mean maybe. Maybe he is." Chris looked at me in a confused way and raised his eyebrow.
"I said maybe."
"You wanted to say no. Older than you but not a senior... on this school." Oh god. Please Chris be stupid...

Finally a new update. Yey.


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