I want you

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After 30 minutes which felt like hours I had an outfit. I simply wore a black skinny jeans and a white shirt with a black leatherjacket. I put on some make-up. When I realised that I had still over 1 hour left I sat down on our couch and started listening to music. Obviously Panic! At The Disco. I thought a little bit about what happend today at school. Mr. Downey was an asshole but he was hot. Very hot. His hair, his eyes, the stubble which covered his chin... damn it. Damn Downey. Why does he have to be so hot. I should stop thinking that. A look on my watch said me I had to leave now so I left the house and went to the corner at the cafe. Maggy was already waiting.
"Hey Maggy! Where are we going tonight?" I hugged her.
"There's a new club just around the corner. We could go there." She smirked.
"Sounds great." We started walking to the club. Outside was a huge crowd of people, Maggy and me hid between them and were able to sneak in the club. The club was awesome. There was loud music and people were dancing close to each other on the dancefloor. In some corners were couples which were making out. I looked over the bar and grabbed Maggy's wrist.
"Let's go. I wanna drink something. Something strong." Maggy giggled at my words.
"Watch out that you don't become an alcoholic."
"I already am. Don't worry." We both laughed while I ordered 8 shots. 4 for me, 4 for Maggy. As they arrived we drank them quickly and I already started feeling drunk. I saw Maggy talking to a guy. Well not talking more flirting. I took a last shot then stood up and went to Maggy.
"Use protection." I whispered in her ear while I started giggling. She just gave me an amused gaze and I left to the dancefloor. I was drunk. Even if 5 shots are not that much... today they were much. I started dancing a little bit. A blond guy joined me, we didn't talk we just danced along with the music when I suddenly heard a deep sexy voice at my ear. I could smell his scent of alcohol and mint.
"Aren't you a little bit to young for clubbling Miss McAllester?" I turned around. And suprise there was Mr. Downey. He wore a white shirt and dark jeans. Damn. I bit my lip. Controll yourself Amber but no the alcohol started controlling me.
"Mr. Downey aren't you a little bit to old for clubbing?" I smirked at him while I stepped closer.
"I don't think so but you are definitely too young. I will take you home and tell your mum."
"No. I don't wanna go home. Downey please. Just relax a little bit." I grinned like an idiot. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the crowd of dancing people to the entrace and outside in the cold dark night. But before we left the building I grabbed a drink of someone and drank it. Downey just starred angry at me.
"Sexy hottie." I mumbled as we stood outside.
"Hehehehe... sexy hottie Downey." I stepped again closer to him but he stepped back. This continued til he hit the wall. He still looked angry but also confused. Our bodies almost touched.
"Miss McAllester please step away of me. I need to take you home." He said strictly. I looked up to him. His eyes were so... perfect... his lips looked so damn perfect to kiss.
"Wrong. You can take me at home." I leaned closer and whispered in his ear. He gulped.
"Miss McAllester you are drunk."
"Hehehe... noooo." I grabbed his collar and pulled him down. Our lips were touching lightly. I looked in his eyes he starred down to me not reacting to my action.
"I want you." I mumbled as I slammed my lips on his. I kissed him passionately and hungrily. I held him on his collar down that he wasn't able to escape my lips...

Oh no. What is she doing? How will Downey react to that?


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