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"Well..." he looked down on our hands.
"Once I wa-..." he stopped again. My mum raised her eyebrow.
"Once you were what?" Downey bit his lip out of nervousness then he sighed.
"I was married once but we got a divorce because she cheated on me and we had a child together. He's grown up now but still doesn't want to see me because my ex wife told him that I cheated on her... but that's not true. Really. I would never cheat on the person I love." I felt sorry for him and he waited for our reactions. I squeezed his hand softly and he smiled cutely at me.
"That's fine. Don't worry. I won't judge you for that. She wasn't the right person. Let's change the topic now, alright?" My mum nodded in agreement with me and Downey seemed more relaxed again.
"Thanks." He whispered to me. There was a long period of silence while we ate til my mum broke it.
"So what are you two going to do tonight?"
"Mum!" I kinda shouted and blushed. Robert giggled than looked at me. Our eyes met and I started to think of the things we could do tonight or more of the things he was able to do to me. I bit my lip and pressed my legs together. Damn. This man. I barely know him but I just can't resist him. I'm sure that I'll lose my virginity to him. Yes. I definitely will. I let my gaze trail down his upper body til it landed on his lap. Oh damn what would it look like without the jeans and without boxers.
"Amber?" My mum pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Huh?" I looked back up to her and she gave me the Don't-Try-To-Hide-It-I-Know-What-You're-Thinking-Because-You're-My-Daughter-And-I-Know-You-Better-Than-Anyone-Else-Look. This time I blushed even more.
"Your food it getting cold." My mum simply said. In reply I just nodded at her and started eating again. I felt like an teenager who wanted an adventure. Without my mum noticing I suddenly put my hand on Robert's tight close to a certain area. He obviously noticed and looked at me but I just smirked at him before continuing eating with one hand. I let my other hand slowly wandering up his tight til it arrived at his crotch. He gulped and bit his lip. Mum looked confused at him.
"Are you okay Robert?"
"Y-yeah... uhm... just... nothi-..." I started stroking over his area through his jeans.
"Shhhhit..." he bit on his lip then cleared his throat.
"Are you sure that you are okay?" My mum asked a bit worried. He nodded and tried to push my hand away with one of his, so my mum wouldn't notice.
"Yes... I just remembered that... uh... I wanted to call the... parents of on of my... shit... uh... students this evening... but I'll have to do that tomorrow then I guesssss..." he gritted his teeth together. It was hard for me to supress my giggles. Downey mouthed me a "Stop it." Right in that moment I cupped his member through his jeans and he let out a loud moan. I bursted out into laughter and my mum looked in a very confused and strange way at Downey, who was completely red in his face.

Heeeeeeeeey! New update yeeeey. :D Maybe the next chapter or one of the next chapters will be a bit smutty, I hope you don't mind. :P


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