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I ran down the halls and straight to the restrooms. Ugh... why is Chris so pissed? Okay... somehow I can understand him... I mean I know a man who's much older than me since three days and we had sex... Oh god. I can totally understand Chris.
The bell rang for the next lesson. Science. I went out of the toilet and went to the classroom.
The rest of my lessons that day I spent with thinking about if that what I did, having sex with Mr. Downey and being angry at Chris, was right or not. Maybe I should deny the meeting with Robert. Maybe I should break up, what am I talking, we are not even a couple. Oh fuck this.
When my lessons were over I grabbed my things and walked slowly out of the building, not sure if I should meet Downey at his car.
"Amber!" I instantly stopped walking. Shit. He's here.
"Ams, are you coming with me?" Downey ran to me and smiled at me. He was so handsome and cute. I nodded.
Now it is to late I can't cancel this meeting.
We walked to his car, he was always looking around to make sure noone was watching. He walked over to the passenger side and opened the door for me.
"Thanks." I looked up to him and smiled.
"No problem, my beautiful." Oh god. I blushed ans slowly got in the car. My teacher closed the door and went to his side to get in.
"Do we want to order pizza later?" He asked while looking at me and starting the car.
"Sure if that's no problem for you." I looked down and then up to him.
"Of course it's not."
We were driving since a few minutes now and were on the road. Suddenly I felt something warm grabbing my hand. It was Downey's hand. I blushed and interlaced our fingers. He looked to me and smiled a bit shy. I smiled back at him. In thas moment I realised that I didn't regret sleeping with him because probably he wanted more than just having 'fun' with me.
"We are there in a few minutes."
"Great." He stroked my hand with his thumb but his eyes were locked to the road. I couldn't stop starring at him, he was so handsome...
Three minutes later he stopped the car infront of a house. We got out and he unlocked the door of his house, holding the door open for me. I slowly stepped into his house and looked around. He really had a sense for decorating.
"Nice house."
"Thanks." He smiled down to me and gave me a small kiss on my lips.
"Amber? I know this all is quite strange and so on. You know I'm your teacher and your so much younger etc. but I wanted to ask you something." I stepped closer to him and put my hands on his waist.
"What do you want me to ask, Mr. Downey?"

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