He's my dad

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Both of us were just standing there and starring at each other. I noticed Robert becoming pale.
"Are you two coming now?" The principal kinda shouted. Slowly my teacher and me began to move into the principal's direction. "Follow me." He ordered and walked us to his office. As we entered he pointed at two chairs infront of his desk. "Sit down please." Then he sat down at his own chair on the opposite of us. Slowly we sat down still not knowing why the principal called us back. I looked first to Downey who was looking in a expecting way to our principal then I also looked at him.
"Why are we here?" Robert asked with a calm voice. The principal leaned a bit forward and looked at both of us.
"I noticed you two became really close." Could this be the end of our relationship? I tried to grab Robert's hand under the table but he pulled his hand away. I tried to keep a straight face.
"And? What's the problem with that?" I asked and raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it a good thing when teacher's are close to students?"
"But you two are suprinsingly close to each other. I just saw you two standing infront of Mister Downey's car and it did seem like you wanted to get in his car Miss McAllester." The principal said.
"Is there a problem with giving my students a lift?" Robert asked and looked at me.
"Why would you do that?" The principal asked sceptically.
"I wanted to speak to her mum because her grades are becoming worse in drama." To look realistic I rolled my eyes and looked annoyed to Downey. The principal looked between us two.
"Okay, that might be true but I noticed you two calling each other by your first names and sometimes even nicknames. How do you explain that?" Robert seemed very nervous now. I needed an arguement...
"He's a relative of mine!" I said fastly.
"What?" The principal infront of asked very confused and even Downey was now looking at me in a strange way. Well... that came out to fast.
"Yes, he's like a relative to me. He isn't actually really related with me but he's my dad. Well like my dad because... he started dating my mum a few weeks ago. We're treating each other like dad and daughter because I never had a dad... he died a few weeks before I was born." I stopped to pretend to be sad. Luckily I was a suprisingly good actress and managed to let my eyes becoming teary. To be honest I wasn't sad about my dad's death cause I never met him and I grew up without a father so got used to it. I sniffed. "And when he's around it feels like I finally have a dad... a person I never had and I always missed." I looked on my lap and felt an arm around me.
"You made her sad! How dare are you? You can't just remind her of her childhood without a father." I heard Robert saying concerned.
"I'm sorry Mr. Downey, I didn't know. Why didn't you tell me when you and her mum started dating?" It was really hard to keep acting sad because I was close to laughing out loud.
"Because my babe and me didn't want to make it official yet. Because we thought Ams might could get bullied because of it. And I hope you won't tell anyone either." My boyfriend hissed at the principal and pulled me up from my seat. "Come on Ams we're leaving. That's enough stress for you." With that we left the principal speechless behind us. When we left the building and entered Downey's car both of us bursted into laughter. "Seems like someone has daddy issues." Robert grinned.
"Shut up asshole." I boxed his arm playfully and giggled.

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