Kiss me

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I pressed my body against his and bit in his lower lip just then he started to realise what I was doing and pushed me roughly away. Woah. He seemed angry but jez I was drunk... he turned us and pressed me heavily against the wall.
"What are you think you're doing?! Are you fucking crazy?" He whisper-shouted, I guess not to get any attention of surrounding strangers. I just smiled stupidly at him.
"Damn Downey... calm down... just relax and enjoy this..." I bit my lip and put my finger on his chest, moving it down. He slapped my hand away.
"McAllester! We go home now. Your home to your mum and I will tell her about clubbing and bad behavior at school and flirting with your teacher." I giggled because my mum wasn't even at home. I made a plan. I smirked.
"Okay Downey darling let's go and tell my mum." I wanted to walk past him but I stumbled before I fell down with a loud giggle.
"Oopsi... hehe too much alcohol... hehehe..."
"Jesus Christ..." Downey ruffed his hair and then helped me back up again.
"I wanna kiss you." I said while he was helping me to walk, my arm was around his shoulder and his arm was around my waist.
"No. Where do you life?" He said no. Bastard.
"Soooomewhereeee ooover the rainbooow lalalalaaaaa!" I started singing.
"God. Girl just say my your adress."
"I will tell you if..." I put my hand to my chin stroking my long, white, non-existing beard.
"If you kiss me for... uh... 30 seconds." I smirked and looked at him. He sighed annoyed.
"Okay..." I smiled happily then his lips were on mine. He kissed me with some kind of lust and passion but it feeled like he would try to supress it. I kissed back but then he pulled away.
"That were 30 seconds." He said strict as before. Damn I want him so badly.
"Okay... uh... turn into the second street on the right... third house on the left side." I said and he nodded then we continued walking. Well I was more stumbling.
"Mr. Downeeeeey? Can you please kiss me?"  I begged and tried to look at him with puppy eyes which failed because jez I was still drunk. And Downey this bastard ignored me.
"Doooowney you are hot." I said. No reaction.
"Hello Mister. I want you to take me right here and now." He gulped. Yeeeess! Come on Downey. Say something good.
"You're drunk." He then just simply said. The whole walk continued like before and we finally arrived home. Somehow I managed to unlock the door.
"Home sweet home." I said proudly letting myself fall onto the couch.
"Where is your mum young lady?"
"Not here old sexy mister." He grumbled.
"Are you fucking serious?!" I nodded.
"Pooooooor Downey." That sounded funny and I began to laugh loudly. Downey came over to me.
"Pooor little hot sexy Mister Downey."
"Stop it." He said annoyed.
"No little poor Downey unless..." My teacher sighed.
"Unless what?"
"Kiss me. Noone will know. Promise."
"You're drunk. Too drunk."
"Come on. I know you want it too." He shook his head. Plan B.
"I've a better idea little old Downey." I smirked.
"What?" He seemed a liiiiittle bit pissed.
"Get also as drunk as me." I smiled prouldy at my amazing idea.
"Haha. Funny. Definitely not." He crossed his arms.
"Okay then..." I started acting like I was thinking. I fastly stood up and pulled him down onto the couch. He was sitting on the couch now and planted myself on his lap, facing him. He didn't react, he starred in my eyes. I took that chance and started kissing him passionately and lustful. My hands moved into his soft brown hair. Slowly I began to move myself a bit on his lap. Suddenly he grabbed my waist and kissed me back. Got you Downey.

I dunno this chapter is not good. I am thinking about if they should do it or not...


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