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Isn't it amazing how close you can feel to someone after just a couple of days?
My eyes met Robert's beautiful brown eyes and he smiled at me. He had his arm around me and was stroking through my hair while we both layed on the couch.
He is 30 years older than me but still I feel like we would fit perfectly together. I think when it comes to love or friendship age doesn't matter even the slightest bit. I'll never understand people who think age matters. Your age is just a number which tells how long you're already living on this world but it tells nothing about how you feel or better how you are supposed to feel. Also it doesn't decide who you're allowed to love.
There more time I spend with Downey, the more I fall for him. He's a nice and good human bein-... my phone was ringing. I looked at the ID. Christ, it was Maddy. She destroyed the moment.
"Mind if I take that?" I asked my boyfriend.
"Not at all." I grabbed my phone.
"Hey Maddy, why're you calling?"
"I just wanted to ask if you wanna meet today."
"Actually I'm busy."
"What're you doing that you're too busy to meet?" I smirked to Robert.
"Well... I'm spending time with someone."
"Yep. Someone."
"Mr. Downey?"
"Maybe? Who knows?"
"It's him. Did you two sleep together?" I blushed and Robert slightly chuckled.
"What if I would say no?"
"Then I would say that you're a liar." I smiled.
"We did." I just heared her squeaking.
"You need to tell me everything!"
"What? No? And by the way he's lying right next to me. So if you don't mind I'm going to spend more time with my boyfriend now. Bye."
"Boyfri-..." I hung up and giggled.
"I'm enjoying you calling me your boyfriend." Robert said smiling.
"It sounds nice." He added.
"I can imagine. Do you have something to eat here? I'm starving." I stood up and put on my clothes because neither of us had put them on again. He sat up straight.
"No, but we could order something. Pizza?" He asked while he put on his boxers.
"Sure. Aaaand can you drive me home later, please?" I looked at him with puppy eyes.
"Of course, I would never let you out there alone in the dark."
We ordered pizza, ate it and watched some films. After that he drove me home. Luckily my mum wasn't at home.

Sorry that I didn't uploaded in such a long time but I had much to do because of school. This chapter was boring, sorry. Next will be better. :)


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