Truth or Dare

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"This is feels so strange Mister Do-... Robert." Said Chris quitly.
"After all I'm just a human like you and everyone else here." Robert answered as he smiled.
"But there's such a strange tension between all of us when you are here because you're our teacher." Chris responded. Then out of the nowhere Maddy stood up, went to my waderobe, opened it and took out a bottle of whiskey. Well... she knows where I hide my alcoholic drinks.
"This should break the ice." She smiled as she held up the bottle. I facepalmed myself on the inside. Robert looked to me.
"I don't think that's a good idea Maddy." I quitly said.
"I think it is." Chris smiled.
"I have nothing against it." Robert grinned and I shot him a death glare.
"Alright." I mumbled.
"Let's play 'Never have I ever...'. When you already did a thing you need do drink 3 sips." Maddy introduced the game to us while placing glasses infront of us and filling them with whiskey. "Let's start. Never have I ever lied to a teacher." I looked around Robert was already drinking. I once lied to a teacher in primary school when he asked me if I had done my homework and I also lied to Downey when I had detention once and he caught me listening to music so I decided to drink 3 sips. My boyfriend smirked at me. "Chris now it's your turn." Maddy demanded.
"Never have I ever... had sex." Chris said exactly, knowing we all had to drink something now. I felt the alcohol already in my body...  Hopefully I won't get too drunk. Maddy was looking at me, it was my turn.
"Never have I ever been cheated on." Robert and Maddy grabbed their glasses.  Poor Robert he had to drink something every round. But now it was his turn.
"Never have I ever dated someone who is at least 10 years older than me." He smirked at me. What was he trying to do? Was he trying to get me drunk? One... Two... Three... sips of whiskey.
The time passed by and after a few hours we all were pretty drunk. Robert was leaning against my bed and pulled me onto his lap, he drank the most. Kinda obvious because he is the one with the most experience. I leaned against him and sighed happily.
Chris and Maddy were laying on the floor and laughing the shit out of them. I don't even know what they are laughing about. My thoughts were interuppted by soft lips kissing my neck.
"Robert..." I whispered. "Not here..."
"Why not?" He asked as he was kissing a line down my neck.
"Because... Becauseeeeee..." My drunk mind had no idea to finish that sentence. I started laughing. "I don't know!" And as if it was the funniest thing ever I fell down off Downey's lap onto the floor. I laughed until my stoemach hurt and my eyes were teary. I looked up to Robert.
"Come here grandpa." I patted next to me. He followed my command and laid next to me. On the floor. Very comfortable. Not. But when you're drunk you don't feel things like that. Now it was just me and Robert in the room. The laughter of Chris and Maddy went silent.
"You know Ams... You shouldn't call me grandpa... because I'm hot." I giggled and put my hand to his neck.
"Grandpa's can be hot too. Idiot." I smiled and with my thumb I stroke over his soft skin. "And Downey..." We made eye contact. "Grandpa's can also be loved..." I whispered and kissed his lips softly. He kissed back passionately.
After a while we pulled away. During the kiss he pulled me on top of him, his hands were resting somewhere lower than my lower back and mine were resting in his hair and under his shirt. I smiled at him.
Someone cleared the throat and then laughed.

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