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He moved his hands up my sides. I gasped and he used this to pull his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues started a little fight but in the end he won it. Downey slowly turned us so that he could press me down on the couch then he pulled away and his dark brown eyes which were full of lust met my greenblue eyes. I moved one of my hands to his lower back.
"McAllester..." He whispered breathlessly with a dark voice.
"I can't do this." Oh no. He can. He definitely can. I shook my head.
"You can. I am seventeen, almost eighten and I want you. Now." If I would have been sober I wouldn't have ever said that.
"You are drunk McAllester... I won't use you and also you're my student. This is illegal and I could lose my job." He looked down to my lips.
"Come on. I know how much you want it. I can see that clearly." I leaned up a bit and kissed his neck but he pushed me down again.
"Please." One of my hands started slowly moving down his stoemach to his belt. He bit his lip and looked in my eyes.
"You will regret this."
"I won't."
"Damn it." He said before kissing me lustfull again, his hands moved up to my breasts while I opened his belt slowly. Downey moved his hands down my sides again and then under my shirt, lifting it slowly. I shivered under his touch. This was so hot. I began to pull his jeans down just then I stopped shortly so he could pull my shirt out.
He leaned down and started kissing and sucking at my neck down to my collar bone. I moaned quitly and could feel his smirk against my skin. I pulled his jeans completely down when I realised that he still had his shirt on. With shaking hands I opened button for button. It was getting harder to concentrate because his lips felt so good against my skin. Finally I managed to open his shirt completely. I bit my lip.
"Like what you see?" He looked up to me smirking.
"Oh damn yes!" I stroked his chest with my hands, he had a pretty well trained body for his age. Age... Age! Jez how hold was he? I scanned his body while trying to guess how old he might was. 40 to 45 maybe. God Amber what are you doing? You are making out with your teacher who is maybe around 25 years older. He kissed me again and all my worries faded away. Damn it. I want him here and now. Downey moved his hands to the clip of my bra as we heard something at the front door.
"Honey I am home!" My mum. Fuck! I looked shocked at my teacher.
"Hide! I whisper-shouted to him.
"Where?" He asked a bit nevous.
"Bathroom! Put on your clothes!" Downey quickly stood up with his clothes in his hands and ran quitly into the bathroom. I put on my shirt just when my mum entered the room.
"Hey. You're still awake? I thought you were sleeping because you didn't answered." She sat down next to me.
"Uh... I... uh... I was lost in thoughts..." She looked at my neck and nodded, she was smirking.
"Sure." She simply said.
"What?" I asked nervously but before she was able to answer we both heard the toilet flush and then I saw Downey stepping out of the bathroom. He had a neutral expression on his face.
"Oh hello. You must be the mother of Miss McAllester." He came over to us. My mum simply nodded.
"I am Mr. Downey her teacher. I found her drunk in a club and wanted to bring her home. I just wanted to inform you about that because she is 17 and not allowed to enter clubs." My mum looked confused at me while I looked with a 'What-the-fuck!?-look' to Downey. He kept his pokerface.
"Oh... well sorry for that Mr. Downey. I promise this won't happen again. I will have a word with my daughter, thanks for informing me."
My mum said goodbye to him as he left and then came back to me on the couch. I was damn nervous and angry at Downey. I hope my mum won't be that angry.
"So he is your teacher? This Mr. Downey?" I nodded slowly while I looked down on my lap.
"You shouldn't get caught again." She smirked again.
"What?" I was confused. Not getting caught again in clubbing? I thought she would be angry.
"You two would get into deep trouble if someone finds out what you two were really doing." My mum smirked even more and I get completely red. How did she know?
"Excuse me?" I asked while looking at her.
"Your neck..." She giggled. I watched myself in a mirrow which was close to me. Damn it! This bastard! My neck was full of hikeys! I looked back again to my mum.
"They are not from him..." I tried to convince her. She raised her eyebrows.
"Oh really? And what is that?" Mum held up Downey's belt. He forgot it.
"Fuck!" I shouted then I completely blushed again. My mum laughed.
"Just make sure that he is the right before you lose your virginity to him." She said a bit more serious now...

Woah... why is this chapter so looooooong?


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