A true Omega

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My name is Charlie, yes I'm a girl don't be stupid. right now I'm fighting these idiotic betas, god, whoever trained them kinda sucks....i mean, i guess they arnt to bad for werewolves, but that's all they know, how to fight when your a werewolf. big bad and strong, they really need to learn a new tactic cause they are not gonna beat me if they keep this up.

I'll let you in on the action~

"Roarrrrr" one of the betas yelled, this ones kind of ugly as a werewolf. Curly brown hair and yellow eyes...actually now that I think about it, they all have yellow eyes, so that means a new alpha is in town trying to make a pack. o la la;)

I want to meet this alpha.

We were in an old warehouse, shelves of junk.
I can use that to my advantage.

The ugly beta came at me, all shifted out, I jumped above him, doing a flip off the wall, he crashed into one of the shelves, he lay there limped, probably passed out.


Next a girl came at me, she looked alright, kinda came off a little bitchy though. curly blonde hair, looms like she had a nice body, but usually all female werewolves do.

She sucked at fighting, clawed her in the face and she fell to the floor like a rock. That was easy enough.

Lastly a big muscled dark skinned boy came at me, I sprinted right at him, then just at the right moment ducked and slashed his legs, causing him to fall. strike 3!

Time to make my departure.

but right before i was going to leave this boring fight i heard a roar....a loud one, that can only be the alpha.

Great! Now i have to deal with this alpha, it wont be that hard, i just kinda wanted to take a bath...tomorrows a school day, i go to beacon hills high school. I havent been here for awhile, only a year or two. Hopefully something exciting happens soon, im getting bored.

A big man, all muscle came at me not looking to happy. he lunges for me and pins me agianst the wall,

strike one

i push him off by kicking his shins, then i leap over his now fallen form. only to be caought by my foot, then dragged to the floor.

strike two

He gives me one good swipe to the face, no doubt giving me a black eye.

strike three

hes on top of me but he dosent think im strong becuase im an omegs, stupid mistake. he glares into my eyes and says in a deep gruff voice,

"who are you!"

im glad that shifting into your full werewolf face hides your identy because i dont want this guy to know what i look like, then be able to find me. i choose not to speak, the less he knows the better, so i respond by riping my arms free and pressing down on his lower back. you know where your back dimples are? thats where i press. it does two things, it automatically makes whoever you do it to shift back to human form, taking their strength along with it. the other thing it does, it parilizes them for 3.8 seconds, yes iv counted.

and this alpha is no exception to the results. i get up after he is limp on the floor, i need to get outta here before he does something stupid. i leap through the window and make my into a groceery store, disapering in the crowd of people to make sure they cant follow me. i straighten out my clothes and hair to have my appernce look like i didnt just win a fight against three betas and an alpha, i strip off my button up shirt, leaving only a red tank top on, i grab a tester eye shadow thing and wipe it on, along with some other makeup, just incase i come across them again today they wont reginize my clothes.

i then walkof the store, and whata know, I see four shapes coming from the warehouse, who i assume are the ones i just fought. i need to get a better look, ill know its them if theres the dark skinned one with them and the blonde curly haired one too. Luckily my house is in that direction so it wont look supicious walking towards them.

im corect. score one to charlie! i think to my self, but damn! there alpha is one hot dude! black spiked up hair, muscles every where and light green eyes. One of the betas is cute too, the one i thought to be ugly as a wolf. Light curly brown hair and amazing cyrstel blue eyes. They glance at me but kept walking not taking a double take so I suspect they didn't know it was me. before the alpha walked completely passed me, I brushed my hand against his .

Derek Hale-werewolf

I can get anyone's name and what they are, just by touching them. it's pretty cool, so the alpha is Derek Hale, good to know.


Derek's Pov:

Who the hell was she?! An omega made a fool out of my pack. Once I find out who she is I'll give her to options.

Join my pack, or be killed.

I hope she chooses the former because she is the best fighter iv ever seen, and she doesn't have a pack, then she would be even stonger!
Imagine if she ever became an alpha, that would be a sight to see.

"Issac!" I yelled at my favorite beta,
Once he was in front of me I spoke again,

"She looked like she's a high schooler, so I want you to figure out who she is." he nodded and walked back into his room. We were in my apartment, Isaac in his room, while I was lying on my couch, staring at the ceiling, trying to think of the possibilities as to who she is.

"You know she could help with the whole kanimia situation." My uncle peter spoke, startling me from my thoughts.

"I know" I muttered, knowing he could hear.

I need to find her...I will find her.


I sneaked into my neighbors house, i knew no one was home, and they wont be back till next week. Just what i like, i jump into their shower, takinf my time. You see i dont neccisarly have a house. i sleep in a vacent home alone. I have no parents or famiily, so i have to sneak into homes to take showers or other nessiccties.

A True Omega (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now