All I need is ink

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Sketching in class is always fun, especially in economics when Coach is rambling on about only God knows what. Did you know I don't even know his last name? Or first! I don't even play lacrosse and I still call him Coach.

My pen streaks across the paper without my minds consent. Up, down, sideways, all different directions before I actually realize that Coach is talking to me... I suppose trying is the more appropriate word.

"Miss. Baston!" He yells a few more times before I look up and see him waving a penny at my face.

"Huh? Wha..." The class erupts in laughter as he gestures for me to come up to the front.

"What'd I do now?" I ask, referring to the countless other times I get in trouble with him.

"Nothing out of the ordinary, I did have a normal opportunity for you, but let's double the rewards and punishments." He gives me a smile before he waves the coin around.

"Make this, into that mug." He points to an everyday coffee mug,"You no longer have to take the pop quiz tomorrow and you only have one day of detention instead of two for zoning out. Miss and you have to take the quiz and write an essay, plus three days of detention."

"And if I deny?"

"Then, take the quiz, and two days of detention. So, take your pick. Reward, punishment, or pass?" I roll my eyes and take the penny from him. Without even looking at the mug, I toss the coin in the air, and I hear the clatter of it hitting the inside of the cup.

I give him a sickly sweet smile before walking back to my desk.

"Good job Baston. Detention, my room, after school." He sounds a bit annoyed, probably that I actually made it in while his Lacrosse prodigies couldn't.

I sit back down and continue to draw until the bell rings. 1 more class of torture.


I'm back in Coaches class, although this time in the way back unlike my actual seat in the far corner of the front of the room. As of lately, I have an itch to draw, so I take out my pen and paper, letting my hand take it from there.


I've gone through 5 pieces of paper, after finishing one I stuff it in my binder and swap it for a blank one. Coach is sitting at his desk, grading papers and glancing at me every now and then. I finish one more drawing, not even glancing at what the end look was, before placing it with all the others, just like I do every time.

"What are you even drawing?" I look up to see coach staring at me with his famous confused face, walking towards me with a few papers in hand.

"I don't know, don't look." I nod my head at the papers he has. "What are those?"

"Tests, mostly yours." He takes a seat next to me, but with his feet out the side so he can actually be facing me as he talks.

"Did I fail or something?" He let's out a quite laugh, shaking his head slightly.

"I don't understand it Charlie." He actually says my first name unlike the Baston I've grown tired of hearing him yell. I shrug my shoulders, not understanding what he was getting at.

"You have the attention span of a fly, I have yet to see you try on any of the homework, on the rare occasion that you actually do it. And yet, you have gotten the highest grade on every single test I give my classes." He's leaning towards me, holding up a test with A+ written across it, next to a 110%

"You get extra points for getting the correct answer on things I haven't even taught you." I lean back in my chair, unimpressed.

"So?" He looks taken aback.

"So?! Charlie! If you would do your homework-"

"But I won't..."

"Why not Baston? You finish my Exams in less then ten minutes, which I probably can't even pass, you would be able to finish book work in even less time!"

"Exactly, there's no point, I already know the information, it's just a waste of my time!"

"You could get awards for economics, that means scholarships for college Charlie. Your parents would be proud." I shake my head, I really don't care, I need to get out of this. I have actual important stuff to do.

"I cheat." I give him a thin smile, a lying smile, but a smile non the less.

"Funny, cause there's no one you could cheat off of." He returns the smile, taking the pencil I have on my desk and twirls it around before laying it back down with a blank sheet of paper.

"Tell me the recently development of the tax right off law."

"No, coach just leave me alone. I don't know what your getting at, but I don't care. Just leave me to the last few minutes of detention." He stares at me like I've told him lacrosse sucks before walking back to his desk.

"You can go." Finally! I grab all the papers I've been drawing on and look through them quickly.

Yoah there.... exactly the same... They are all the exact same symbol. A cross looking sign, with a few curved lines. What the hell is it?

"Coach..." I turn to face him, his head lifts up like a kid on Christmas.

"Do you know what this is?" I ask, holding up the piece of paper.

"Well ya, you've been doodling all over your tests and book work I give you with it." He shrugs his shoulders,"So, I looked through a few websites, just curious ya know. But uh, it was the old national bank of Beacon Hills." My face brightens at the news.

"Thanks Coach, see ya tomorrow."


I jump out of my truck, walking to the old building in front of me.

I hold up my sketch to the faded sign etched into the side of the structure.


So I walk in.


By the way, Constructive criticism is welcomed just don't be too bitchÿ :)

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