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Derek's pov:

"Issac, Erica, Boyd!" I yelled before taking a seat at the kitchen table, pulling out a drawing notepad.

"What's up?" Isaac asked, Erica and Boyd at his heels.

"The girl, I didn't catch her face but I did notice something that could help you guys find her at school," I say showing them the drawing I made of her rings earlier,
"One's Irish , another is with a twisted arrow, the last with a moon and what I think is a star. look for girls who have this, got it?" I ask, eyeing all of them.

After each ones nod I dismiss them, letting them get ready for school tomorrow. I hear footsteps behind me and turn to find my uncle.

"What" I snap

"I was just going to say...this girl, she's different from the rest."

"You don't think I already know that." I grill him.

"Just commenting. And suggesting that we get stiles and Scott to help look too."

"Ya I already did that."

"What a good alpha your growing Into nephew." he says smiling at me before walking away.

He is a piece of work.


Charlie pov:

Crap!crap!crap!holy crap!

I swerve my car violently before they see me coming. what the hell are they doing here?! I'v lived there for 2 years and they've never come here before.

I listen in to who I believe to be the sheriffs conversation..

"Ya, looks like someone's been living here, bed, clothes, other stuff. We're gonna take the clothes later tonight and put them in evidence to try and get the bum who's been breaking and entering for the past year, at least."

Bum!?!? asshole! I am not a bum! Sorry I just have no family to help me survive!!

But I need to get my clothes! at least some of them, or I really will start looking like a real bum.

I get out of my car, sneaking around back to where my 'room' is...was. I climb up to the window and jump in, thankfully no one was here, so this will be pretty easy.
In and out...dammit now I want some in and out! ugh

I go to my closet an grab an empty suitcase, you know, for times like this...even though i never actually thought this would happen..

I throw all of my stuff in there, which barely fills it sad. I have my clothes, my flip phone which is a piece of crap just like my life, brush, makeup, you get the idea. I throw it down the window, and follow suit.
Then just as fast as I get in, I get out, but before I drive away an officer comes into the room, and I can tell by his heart rate, he is very confused.

"Hey, sheriff! We gotta situation..."

I laugh, this is gonna be great!

"What?.....i thought you said her clothes were up here?" the sheriff said, not understanding.

"There was."

"And now it what? magically dissapeard?" he started getting fursturated

"I'm sorry sir, but there just...gone"

I hear one last groan before I take off.


I park outside 7-11 to get my dinner, my usual coffee and whatever catches my eye.

After I pay I hop back in my car an find a little spot on the side of the highway to sleep. comfy, I know.


Have you ever tried getting ready in the back of a pick up truck? never try, it's not fun, let alone easy. And iv been doing it for 6 days, my sleep over with Lydia and Allison went well, they didn't expect a thing. today's a wensday, and I, like most days have detention after school...bad part, it's with Mr.Harris. I swear he's a devil who feeds on teenagers souls.

~~~~skip school to detention~~~~

I plop down I an empty seat, slouching and pulling out my headphones to listen to some tunes! Mr. Harris walks in, does his normal routine of glaring at me before sitting down. there's a couple other kids with me, including one of Derek's betas, the cite light brown haired one.

"Ms.Baston, if you do not take your headphones out and get your proped up feet, off my desk I will give you detentions for life."

"I kinda already have that" I smirked, not budging.

"Fine, I'll give you the worst job to do today, clean the janitors who will be your partner...mmm, Mr.Lahey, I choose you. leave now." he said, dismissing us.

"At least I can leave your class." I snap

"Watch your tounge!" he yells before I slam the door.

Me and....hold on let me touch his hand...

Issac lahey~werewolf

Me and Issac are just walking in an awkward silence, before he breaks it,

"You've got some balls, talking to Harris that way" he says with a smirk

"That I do lahey, that I do." I respond giving him a smile before yanking the door open to the closet.


We've been working in here for about a half hour, each on an other side, working sepreatly, and Issac has been really fidgety, so I ask if he's claustrophobic he responds with a simple

"May I ask why?" I ask, not trying to on a pryer, I'm just pretty bored, as usual.

"Uh, ya, it's...just something my dad used to do."

"Oh..."i trail of giving him a brief stare.

"C'mon, I expected more from you bestie." I paused to give him a wink " you have to stack the boxes in a pyramid or it won't work."

I walk over to him since my sides already done.

"Here pass me that box please." I ask holding my hands out for it.

"Yee." he picks it up and hands it to me, brushing my fingers. Then...he just freezes, not letting go of the box and just states at my hands, then stares in to my eyes and says,

"It's you"


Hahahahah! cliffhanger bitches!! I'm in vegasssss!! I went on these roller coasters 1000 feet in the air called the startesphere! so cool!



A True Omega (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now