Follow her

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Derek's pov:

She is one confusing person, one minute she's threatening to top off my head the next she's flirting and asking to crash at my house? this just doesn't add up, not bitten nor born? what is she a unicorn? know, I'm not that far off on writing checking that to the crazy shit happening in my life, I would rather deal with a unicorn then a kanimia any day.

So here I am, in my room looking at an auburn haired, green eyed werewolf...i think...

Charlie Pov:

'Wake up' this noise bings around in my head multiple times before it gets even louder. 'wake up!' this time I flare my arms around, contacting to something that feels like a...face?

"Ow!" a rough voice yells, following a thump of someone falling to the floor. I ignore it and snuggle closer into the bed...wait bed? This gets my attention, I fell asleep on a couch! I leap up seeing a fallen Derek next to me.

"Lol" I smile jumping back onto the bed, pushing my self deeper into the cushions.

"Ya know you had school, right" I hear a mildly hurt Derek mumble.

"Ditchinnnnnn" I sing

"Won't your parents care?"

"No." I snap a little to fast for my liking. Derek raises a quizzing eyebrow but dismisses his confusion faster then it came.

"Wait, had?"

"Ya, it's like 3pm"

"But I'm still tired" I complain

"You sound like you've never slept in a bed before." he smiles at his joke, I quickly look down not knowing what to say.

"We need to talk"

"Of course we do" I mutter rolling my eyes while walking to his couch, slumping into the cushions.

Peter walked out of a room before sitting across from me while Derek sits next to me.

I raise my eyebrows waiting for a question to be shoved in my face.

"How did you know-" I cut Derek off knowing what he was asking

"When ever I touch anyone I get there name and what they are, that's how I got your name Derek, and issac's and recently yours." I say gesturing towards peter who's face was nothing but surprise.

"But when did you first get mine?" Derek asks, still confused by the whole thing.

"When you guys first came looking for me after I beat your guys ass," I pause to smirk
" I walked into the supermarket, changed put some makeup on and walked by you an brushed my hand against yours." I finish, laying my head in Derek's lap and closing my eyes, waiting for the next question.

I opened one open waiting and caught Derek wide eyed looking at me.

"What?I'm comfey" I confess, shifting a bit.

"N-nothing, could we get your parents to hel-"

"No" I snap getting off his lap and standing up, walking towards the door to leave.

"Can I leave?!" I whip my head around to look at Derek, but my breaths become ragged. ahhh! I'm losing control! dammit! I grab hold of a near by chair, stabling myself and shutting my eyes, breath Charlie breath, I scream to myself, clenching my fist open and closed.

Okay, all good, I straighten myself and look over at Derek and peter who are both on their feet, ready to help me if I got out of control. If only they knew...

"Can. I. Go?" I demand

"No, your going to help us find the kanimia


"So, let me get this straight. You want me to go around touching random people until one flashes 'kanima' in my mind?" I ask the 'group' which contains Derek, Peter, Issac, Scott, Stiles, Eric, Boyd and Allsion.

They all nod

"Sweet, Iz be outta here!" I yell before walking out the door.


Derek's Pov:

I wait until the room only contains Issac, everyone has already left.

"Follow her." I tell Issac, he only nods and walks out the door. Knowing that I was talking about Charlie.

....3hours later....

I'm lying on my couch, thinking about girls, really one girl in paticular. when the door swings open reviling Issac.

"What?" I ask jumping up and walking towards him.

"Derek...she has no parents, not even a house. She sleeps in her fricken car, which is a tiny ass truck. She are a power bar for dinner and snuck into someone's house for a shower. She has no one Derek, we need to help her."

What? I knew some things didn't add up, but this is ridiculous. No parents? No house?

"We will, in just going to make sure that this is all true. I'm gonna go to Stiles and ask him to ask his dad to look in the system. But, uh, thanks, Issac for doing that." I nod as he walks into his room.


I leap through stiles window, glancing around my new surroundings, stiles is asleep on his bed.

"Stiles!" I shake him, trying to wake him up.

"Mmmmmm!" he mumbles and rolls over.


"Mmmmmmmmm!!!" he repeats


This time he does react, by jumping up into a fighting stance, still drunk from sleep.

"D-Derek?" he mumbles, looking so confused.

"I need you to do something for me, ask your dad to look up a Charlie Baston in the school system, okay?"

"Ya, sure whatever. Now leave, I'm tired!" he yells pushing me towards the window.

"Fine fine" I mumble before jumping out.


School is currently in session, an I know this sounds really pathetic. but I'm bored without my teenagers. I haven't seen Charlie all day, which makes me a little worried and stiles-

My thoughts are interrupted as stiles stumbles into my apartment like his usual stiles self.

"What" I ask walking towards him.

"There is no Charlie Baston Derek."

"What do you mean?"

" I mean, there is No
Charlie Baston, not in the school system, not anywhere!"




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