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That's all that runs through my mind as I yank the door open and sprint out of the closet, running down the hall. I hear Issac pull his phone out and call someone,

"Derek! get here now!" he yells before stuffing it back into his pocket.

"Charlie! wait!" Isaac screams at me a I turn a corner, bursting out the school doors. Only i have a problem, a black camro pulls up, and guess who jumps out!


I flip a U'y and run back into the school, I imagine Derek is coming after me too.

I turn another cornering to come face to face with Derek.

What the heck?

I turn around ready to run in the opposite direction only to see issac. I look back and forth at them, nether advancing, waiting for me to surrender. They obviously don't know me. I look straight ahead, and see a full size window. Yoloooo!

I sprint and jump to the window, shattering it, I fall, the broken pieces digging into my skin as I hit the ground. I look up to see two shocked faces looking at me, sadly they recover rather quickly, jumping through the now broken window, rushing towards me. But I was faster, I leaped up rushing towards my truck only to have an arrow pierce my shoulder.

Of course they called back up!

I rip't it out of my shoulder and threw it on the ground. I don't shift, I won't let them see my eyes.

I see Scott, Allison and stiles surrounding me, including Derek and Issac.

I groan causing them to be a bit suprised at how I reacted to them.

"Just go away!" I scream

"Charlie?!" Allison asks clearly confused

"Suprised?" I roll my eyes at her

"How do you know her?" Derek asks me

I am not talking to them, all I do is stare at him.


"Fine, Allison, how do you know her?" He groans burning lasers at me

"She's my best friend"

I saw everyone's eyes widen, they sure weren't expecting that!

"I swear, if you don't let me go I will personally rip out your throat...with my teeth." I smile at them, then the kid stiles says,

"Wow, she sounds like you Derek"

"You'd be suprised by how much diffrent I am stiles." I say lookin at him.

"H-how do you know my name?" he stutters, a little frightened.

"I stalk you, obviously" I keep a straight face as I say this. By the look on his face, I pulled it off.

"Y-you-you wha-at?"

"I'm jokinggggg, I listened to Derek almost rip off your face by the pool before I save your asses." I smile at him

"That was you??"

"Yep" I say, poppin the 'p'

"I already see a friendship forming" he replies with a smile as I laugh.

"To bad I'm leaving" I say with a sad face.

"No your not, we have to talk." Derek says

"Goddd, do you not realise that I don't want in on your whole 'kanimia' deal??" I yell at him, his eyes widening.

"Kanimia?" he asks

"Ya a kanimia" I raise my head up and down acting like I'm teaching a 2year old

"The lizard thing....wait you didn't know that? Oh god you really do need my help! to bad your not getting it!" I taunt.

"Issac, grab her." Derek states

"Wait!" I yell ,m making Issac stop as Derek raises an eyebrow

"Can't Scott do it, or you, I don't want to hurt Issac he's cool"

"Rrrrrrrrr" I earn a growl from Derek.

A mimic him while imitating a cat clawing. stiles laughs akin with Issac who tries to hide his into a cough.

"Please just come with me?" Derek tries once again.

"I'll strike a deal with you, I fight you, right now, and I'm obviously going to beat you, but if your remotely good I'll agree to come with you." Say giving him a smirk

"Deal!" with that he charges at me, I don't even move as he comes at me. at the last second I jump up and hit him in the stomach, he immediately gets back up which surprises me. He comes back and I get in a good swipe in the face, cutting his cheek.
He pushes me to the ground, and I rake my hand underneath his shirt, feeling his six pack,

"Nice abs" I smirk before switching the positions so I'm on top. he has a surprised expression on his face as I pick him up and drop kick his face. He comes back at me and is fully shifted. funny, I haven't even shifted at all except for my claws. no way am I showing my eyes. I want this fight to end cause I'm a little bored. I rush to him and go in between his legs slicing them causing him to fall.
I get on too of him leaning in to whisper,
"Nice try"
I give him a nip on the ear that no one saw before I got back up.

"But I'll admit, you have a higher pain tolerance them most werewolves so I'll come with you." I say because truthfully, he does, and I don't cheat anybody I made a deal and I'll honor it.

"Let's go"


We get to an old burnt down house in the middle of the woods.

"This isn't where he lives, don't worry." Issac says

I snort,
"It's fine, you should see where i live." I say more to myself then him. But I see Derek give me a sideways glance.

We got inside and they all scatter for a few seconds, Derek up stairs, Isaac in the kitchen and no one else has shown up yet. I'm left to myself and the couch...Couch!!

I jump onto it snuggling against the cushion, man this was so comfey! iv had to sleep in the back seats of my truck, and my body doesn't even fit on it !

"Oh god, I forgot how good this feels!" I mutter closing my eyes, only to snap them back up as Derek asks,

"What feels so good?" as he descends down the stairs.

"Uh nothing." I snap straightening my self back up into a normal sitting position.

He gives me a confused look before sitting right in front of me. Looking at me like he's taking notes, which he probably is.

And that's when everyone shows up.


Read scratches are worse then bites and dirty little secrets!! Prty plz!

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