You can call me Jesus

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"Duck!" I hear braedon yell from behind, so, seeing how I hear her cocking a gun, I drop it down low. BANG!

She hits one of the twins square in the chest causing him to blast a few feet back.


"Kinda got the idea now!" I yell back with a laugh, running is second nature to me. I twist my head to look at my savior.

"Watch out!" I scream, one of the Alpha's is about to pounce on her so I pounce back. I claw at his eyes and I must've hit something important cause he goes down like a bag of sand.

"Run faster." She says, not even thanking me for saving her from being a dog toy. We make another left and turn down a hallway.

"Don't mention it," I joke, "Wanna tell me who you are?"

"I already told you-"

"Not your name, like why are you helping me?" She pushes the door open, now we're met with open air and a motorcycle?

"Get on." She orders, not answering my question, nor does she take any time to put on her helmet, she tosses it to the side and scoots up for me.

"Okay, bossy." She just gives me a glare, her eyes telling me to shut the fuck up and get on so we don't die. So, I hop on the back and she tears down a dirt road, she definitely knows where we're going. We take one more turn and end up at a warehouse. She turns off the engine and doesn't make a move.

"What are you-"


"Bitch." I mumble under my breath, but she heard, not that I care.

"I just saved you." She spits.

"You didn't have to."

"I don't like your attitude, you would have only been food to those animals."

"And I don't like yours, so I guess we're at a stalemate. And for you information, they wouldn't have had a chance to even bark if I attacked them." I smirk at my own quick wit.

"What makes you think you could take them, your not an Alpha."

"What makes you think that?"

"Show me your eyes and prove me wrong."

"I thought you said we were supposed to be quite." She rolls her eyes but doesn't say anymore crud words.

Our silence doesn't help much, the twins bash through the door angrier then before, if I didn't see Braedon shoot one with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it.

"You should probably start driving."

"I thought you said you could take them." She taunts, it's official she's a bitch.

"Ya but I might take you down with 'em." I smirk at her, she rolls her eyes and guns it.

She tries to get passed the twins but they block us, making her flip a U-y. She pauses before turning her head to me.

"What are you doing? GO!"

"You are actually a werewolf right?"


"So you'll heal?"

"Pretty sure?"

"Just get this message to the alpha." Derek? She stuffs a piece of paper in my hand and goes full force on the pedal, tearing up the side of the building which has staggering levels.

"You'll die!" I scream at her as we burst through the window, the shattering glass digging into my skin. But to my surprise we land perfectly on the ground, motorcycle still intact. She never eases up on the gas, but the twins didn't hesitate to come after us either, in fact, they're already in front of us, all grossly conjoined together again.

A True Omega (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now