The light that flickered

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I feel.... quesy? Oh yep, I fling my self off a bed and magically find my way to the bathroom just in time to puke everything that I've ever eaten in last month. I get back up and wash my mouth out, I turn around to com eface to face with the whole pack. 

"Whats up?" Why do they all look so happy and shocked at the same time? Scott stuffs a phon eback in his pocket, and starts walking towards me.

"Charlie..." He smiles big at me and engulfs me in a hug. What the hell? I pat his back,

"Did Allsion break up with you again or something?" He only laughs at me and takes my face in his hands, this is so weird.

"Who died?" I look at the rest of the pack when Scott takes me into a hug again, giving them a weird, confused look.

"You did." Derek says, not looking all that enthusastic like the rest of them.

"At least, for two weeks you did." Isaac says, giving me a shrug and his bright smile.

"What are you..." The door bursts open and an adderal high Stiles come through and crashes through everyone else to get to me,

"Chuck!" He yells, throwing his hands towards me, up, down, fist bumb, sprinkle fingers, and a snap. We go through our thouraly practiced and shake that ends with a hug.

"I've missed you! These guys were so boring!" He explains, a few protests echo through the room.

"So, someone wanna tell me what your all so emotinal about?" I look at all of them, waiting for anything to tell me about all the hugs.

"Wait, she doesnt remember?" Stiles looks over o Derek who gives a slight shake of the head.

"You were in a coma, for two weeks." Peter comes out of the shadows with a twinkle in his eye.

"What? What are you talking about?" I look around the crowd in fron of me and realize two of the faces arent present.

"Wheres Erica and Boyd?" Everyones expressions automatically drop. 

"Are they dead?! Did I shift and kill them?! Oh my God, I did, didn't I?! That's why I cant remember anything, I shifted! Why didnt you kill me-" energy runs through me and heat rushes in my veins. I bend down and start to breath heavy,

"God Dammit!!" I slam my hands on the floor in frustration. I really need to get this down. Peter comes over to me,

"You didn't kill them and you didn't shift. They're missing, and all you did was bring Stiles, Derek and Deaton out of a coma, you just slipped into one afterwards, been out since." He helps me back up and sets me on the bed.

"But, speaking about shifting, Derek and I are going to teach you how to control it." He adds, rubbing my back as I look back up at him in uncertainty,

"Only you two?" He flashes me a smirk,

"....With the help of the pack." I look back at all of them and they return it with encouraging looks.

"Now everyone clear out, you all need to get ready for school, go buy all the things you need. Except you Charlie, I called in, you get off a week or more if you need it " Derek tells me.

"Wait schools back in?" I ask

'No, in four days it will be the first day of school." Isaac says, coming over and wrapping me in a hug, he holds on a little longer then expected then he says this in the quietest voice,

"I need to talk with you." Not even Derek or Peter could hear, he wraps his hand around mine, but only to stuff a tiny piece of paper in it. I immediately shove it in my pocket before any of the others could see. He gives me a wink and follows the rest out of school.

"Charlie, we need to talk." Derek says, pulling up two chairs for him and peter to sit on.

"Have you ever heard of an alpha pack?" I snap my eyes up to his,

"What about them?!" I demand

"There here." 

My blood runs cold, "They found me..."






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