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"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready" I sing the spongebob theme song as I drive to school, don't even ask, of course I'm blasting my music full force. I roll in to an empty spot, walking up the stairs, only to have myself thrown into a room.
I look up, ready to fight only to see Allison. I go back into a relaxed position

"What?" I ask looking at her expectingly. Her cold mask cracks, showing dumbfound expression.

"What?! what! that's all you have to say to me? why didn't you ever tell me??!" she shouts

"Because! I don't want anyone to know! okay! what did you think? I didn't tell anyone cause I'm afraid of what you would think of me? no I just....its complicated, okay?"
I shouted until the end.

she groaned and stormed out, over dramatic much?


The final bell rang, signaling the end of school, thank god! and guess what? it's a fridayyy! I jump into my truck planning on driving away, when stiles jumps next to the window.

"Tomorrow do you want to come and watch Scott's and my lacrosse game? afterwards we can get you inside of the guys locker room so you can do your thang!" he makes a weird face as he says 'thang' causing me to laugh.

"Only if I can touch you too." I joke and wink at him before asking "what time?"

"6" he has the funniest expression on his face, like between surprise and lust, it's hilarious

"K bi"

"Bi" he salutes me as I drive away, what a weird kid.

I look for a place to park when a black camero cuts me off, causing me to swerve.


I jump out of the car and rush over to him

"What the hell Hale? you could've killed me!"

"Pay back!"

"For what!?"

"For driving me and almost squishing me to death!"

I roll my eyes, "what do you want anyways?"

"To take you out to duntch."

"What the hell is a 'duntch'?"

"Between lunch and dinner" he says while smiling, and what a hot smile!

"I'm completely capable of cooking myself those"


"Fine, let's go" i respond, secretly cheering inside that I don't have to eat 7/11 food again.


Derek need up taking me to a fancy place called '3 Italian Sisters' and let me tell you, it looks really good!

We sit down at a corner booth, which is my favorite thing ever! corner booths are just so amazing, there all squishy and bouncy! what more could you ask for?

The waitress comes over and asks us what we would like to order I say, "the spaghetti an meatballs with a side of chicken and a salad and a sprit....and some garlic bread please" I gush out, the waitress looks at me like she's saying "this girl eats like a monster"

I flip her the bird as she walks away after getting Derek's order.

"Hungry much?" he asks

"Skipped lunch" I lie, looking up a him with innocent eyes.

"Sure" he says, glaring at me.

"What'd I do?" I ask, scrunching my eyebrows together.

"You know"

A True Omega (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now