Dead On Arrival

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Charlie thrashes around in the water, all wolves and Stiles have to hold her down. She lurches forward only to have herself be shoved back under. Things burst into flames around the room, which is another thing Charlie still has yet to explain. While everyone was struggling to keep their pack member at bay, Deaton is starting at Charlie curiously. Wondering how this young wolf ticks. Such a harsh life, past and present. With more experience then any other here, yet, she has so little knowledge of the supernatural. Wolfsbane, mountain ash, etc. She knew everything there was to know about the Kanimia, has had past encounters with the Alpha pack and witches. Who twisted her life around in a 180', she is resilient to all things hat should be poisonous to her and smells like wolfsbane. She is a mystery, and Deaton knows it, Hell, Everyone knows it. So its no surprise that things are being lit on fire around the room because of her, or that the whole pack, consisting of 4 werewolves and 1 human cant seem to be able to hold her down. 

She struggles for a few more minutes before she completely relaxes, only jerking at certain moments.

"Charlie? Charlie are you with us?" Deaton asks gently, being careful as to not scramble her mind.

"Izzzzz C-collddd." The girl responds with a severe shiver.

"It's okay Charlie, it's Dr. Deaton here. I want you to focus on my voice, only mine. Can you do that?"


"Good to know that sarcasm has yet to leave you." Deaton mumbles before continuing.

"Go back to the day you were attacked. What did you see? Hear?"

"I... I just got out of detention. Coach, he... he confronted me."

"About what?"

"Being the best student he's ever met." Almost everyone's eyebrows go up, They all assumed Charlie wasn't all that intelligent, seeing as how her detention record make Stiles look weak.

"What do you mean?" Deaton asks, curious like the rest.

"He said... I'ma smartest one, he just wants me to try a lil." She laughs a bit at this, thinking the idea is absurd.

"After that, I tried to find this symbol, I had drawn it every where, every piece of paper. I had finally found it."

"Yes, and where's that?" Deaton asks carefully, ready To unmask the mystery place.

"I walked in, not knowing the dangers." Charlie doesn't answer Deaton and slips right ahead.

"I was only walking, and then she came. Kali...." Charlie jerks a bit and starts mumbling. "I have to hide! I have to hide!"

"Calm down! It's okay, it's okay. There not anywhere near you. You aren't there!" Deaton yells at the crazed wolf.

It seems to have somewhat of an effect, Charlie continues with what happened.

"I sneaked into a closet, and then masked my scent. once she was gone I saw Erica, dead. Murdered, by them." Everyone noticeably deflates at the news. But Charlie brings their attention back.

"They did this! They killed her! They need to be punished for their crimes! And all the other crimes they've committed!" She starts to thrash again.

Deaton tries to help.

"Calm down Charlie, they will, I promise you."

"Charlie!" Derek growls, but this helps very little, Charlie does not cease to yell, nor sit still. Her eyes flash open, revealing all their grey glory as she leaps out if the tub.


Dedicated to SuperSamFan, best fan I have and this is the frist dedication I have, so you know I truley mean it! Thank you!

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