20 Questions

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We were all gathered around Derek's 'living room' waiting for someone to talk. Seriously. we've been here for like15 minutes and no ones said a word.

"Oh for Christ's sake! kanimias! Okay! they are one of the best, worst, rarest, meanest, whatever, shapeshifters there are. of course you guys stumbled onto to it." I say, I mutter the last part to myself.

"Is there a way we can figure out who it is?" stiles asks.

"God, you guys don't know anything." I mutter

"Hey, speak for them, I know all the stuff your saying" Derek snaps

"Sure. Anyways, they have a master, someone who controls them, so don't think this is because of the kanimia, it's because of the master."

"So, we need to find it's master first." Issac states

"Look who's a fast learner!" I say like I'm talking to a dog.

They all roll their eyes at me, except for stiles who let's out a laugh.

"How do you know this stuff anyways?" stiles asks

"Drop it" I snap which makes them all match stiles confused look.

"Anyways,Can I go now, cause I do have school tomorrow." I ask looking at Derek.

"No, everyone else can though." he replies never breaking eye contact with the floor.

"What!?" I yell throwing my hands up.

"That's so not fair!" I say slumping into the couch. Acting like a 2 year old.

"Too bad"

"You know I could just beat your ass again." I complain, giving him my pouty face.

Everyone was clearing out but Issac and stiles are in a corner staring at the situation and laughing with each other. I glared at them which just made them laugh harder.

"No you wont" Derek says which makes me raise my eyebrow at him

"And why do you think that"

"Because....I don't know just stay here...please" he adds, begging me to stay

"I don't knout not very niceeee"

"What do you want?"

"Mr.Hale, are you bribing me?" I say, going all dramatic, throwing my hands up and everything.

"Yes, and....." he snapped back

"Fine, can I crash here?"
I ask, so not wanting to sleep in my car again.

He looked confused at my request. who wouldnt?

"No, you can crash at my actual house. but won't your parents be wondering about you?"

"Sweet!...but No, I'll just send a text, anyways they're at dinner so they won't care." I shrug my shoulders at the lie, relaxin my breathing so he didn't hear my heart skip a beat.
He have me a confused look before nodding. it was only us in the house now, Issac has already gone back to Derek's apartment which I just found out is where he loves because the kanimia killed his dad. That just really sucks, I know what it's like to lose parents and to be alone, so I have made it my own personal goal to become his best friend. Derek and I have moved to his old bedroom, which looked like it has never been any where near a fire. I jump onto his bed and lay down with my eyes closed waiting for him to ask questions.

I peak one eye open looking at him standing with his arms folded just linking at me with a blank expression.

"Well?" I ask while rolling my eyes, does he ever actually talk?

A True Omega (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now