Dirty Dancing

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They all stare at me with shocked faces, but Derek's the first one to speak,

"No. No, your lying, you controlled your shift all those times you fought me!" he says, not believing me.

"Actually, no. First time I fought you I only had my claws out and my teeth. Second time, ditto, third time, same. I have never fully shifted in front of you." I inform him, knowing I'm right.

As realization dawns on his face he looks at me with bewilderment.

"Why?" Erica butts in, as she asks me this, my eyes focus to the floor.

"Because every time I have shifted, Iv killed and I can't stop, ever, until a hunter finds me and buries an arrow in my back and brings me into reality again. That's just how it works." I say softly, never looking at any of them in the eyes.

"I'll train you." Derek suddenly says, taking me by surprise.

"And I'll help" Peter adds, giving me an encouraging smile.

"Thanks, but that's not gonna help us tonight, your gonna have to "reassign" me." I tell them, secretly happy that Derek and Peter are even offering to help me.

"Okay, let me think.." Derek starts, trying to figure out where to put me.

"Okay, Erica, you help me and Scott instead, Charlie and Isaac will distract Jackson and stick him with this...good?" he finishes, holding up a syringe with what I believe to be sleeping serum. He looks at everyone as we all nod in understandment.

"Get ready then" he says, dismissing us for the time being.


I walk out of the room in my 'club' outfit. I had learned shortly afterwards I had been reassigned, what exactly I would be doing. Basically stripping with Jackson and Isaac.

'Whatevs, I ain't complaining' I think to myself.

As I walk out to the living room where everyone is crowded in, many similar things happen at once,

Stiles spits out whatever liquid he was drinking.

Issac cusses underneath his breath

Boyd eyes go wide

Peter winks at me

Scotts mouth unhinges

Lydia, Allison and Erica are all smirking, laughing at the boys reactions.

And Derek eyes flash red, and he basically did everything else his pack did.

"W-wo-wow...charlie..." Stiles stutters out.

I laugh at them,

"Calm down, I just have one question, is Jackson gonna want this?" I ask, gesturing to my jean shorts which are torn to shreds and doesn't even try to hold my ass in and my top....which could be considered just a bra. it's cherry red with strings hanging off the end. I have bright red lipstick on and my hair is curled and my make up is way overdone. I look pretty sluty.

Lydia is the first one to respond.

"No doubt" She gives me a smile. Funny, I would have thought she would be pissed at me like Allison is and to add that I'm basically about to cheat with her boyfriend.

"Well, let's go" I say, trying to advert the boys eyes away from my body, and get them to listen to my words.


Isaac and I walk through the mobs of dancing going on around us, trying to spot Jackson. I make another glimpse around the area, spotting him at the bars.

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