Ice Ice Baby

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"You want me... To get in that?" I point at the tub filled to the tippy top with ice. Deaton nods his head, confused about the confusion. Well sorrrreeey if I don't want to have all my ligaments fall off due to frostbite.

"It will slow your heart rate down." I look up at him, opening my mouth, but Derek beats me to my own question.

"How much?" Deaton hesitates.

"Almost completely." Oh that's just freakin dandy!

"Is it safe?" Isaac asks to the left of me, as does the rest of the crew.

"Who cares? Either way I'm ending up in that tub." I say, starting to take my shoes off.

"Yoah yoah, hold up. You don't have to do this!" Scott exclaims. I walk over to him and set my hands on his shoulders.

"Ya, I kinda do, Scotty." I turn and throw my shirt on the ground but leave my shorts on. No use in getting the boys all hyped up.

"If we want to know what happened we do." I add.

"There is one more thing." Deaton interrupts my pump up speech in my own head. I look up at him with eyebrows raised.

"To bring you back, you want something special to you, an object, a picture, pretty much anything that holds importance to you." I clench down on my teeth and spread my lips out😬

"That may be a problem..."

"Why, what would be?" I spread my arms out wide.

"I got nothing." I shrug my shoulders before dropping my hands to my sides. Deaton shakes his head.

"I'm sure there's something-" I shake my head back at him.

"Nope. The only stuff I've carried around are my rings, all the other stuff are essentials." I hold up my fingers at him, wiggling them.

"Why the rings?" Jackson's voice comes into play. I guess I never told him.

"The rings help me out. This one," I point to the Irish one. "Masks my scent from other supernaturals. And the arrow turns into a weapon. And the moon one, keeps me in control."

"What happens if you take them off?" Deaton. "This." I take off my Irish one, and I immediately smell flowers. The other wolves start to cough and Deaton looks concerned. I shove it back on and laugh as the others recover.

"Dully noted, I need to take a shower." Derek shakes his head while stifling another cough.

"No, you smell like wolfsbane."

"Huh. Well, if I ever need you guys to shut up..." Stiles and I smile deviously at each other. That'll be one for the books. Imagine, class in session and half of them start to cough uncontrolably. I would pay!

"This one is pretty damn cool." I click on the top of the arrow and it unwinds from my finger and turns into a 6 inch knife. I press it again and it transforms back. I smile at they're astonished faces.

"What about that one?" Jackson asks, pointing to the moon one. My face darkens.

"You don't want to know what happens." I look back at Deaton who stares at me curiously.

"But enough with the talent show, as I was saying, we need to think of something else, I have nothing."

"A person might work." I look around the room, how would I choose?

"What if I like 'em all?"

"Then... One can volunteer."

"I will"

"I can"


"I volunteer as tribute"




"Me please" Are all said at the same time.

"Or you could all hold her down." Deaton laughs at the pack and I can't help but smile myself. God love 'em.

I jump up and down and shake my hands out, I got this! I take one last look at everyone before hopping into the ice, leaving my chest and head out with my hands gripping the sides.

"Ho-Holy-y S-Shitttt. Itssss C-c-colldd" I'm already shivering and I haven't been in the tub for more then 30 seconds. They all crowd around me. I get various 'Good lucks' and 'Your not allowed to die' (that ones from Peter)

"Okay, on the count of three, one...two...three!"

And I plunge into the water.

A True Omega (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now