Call of the wild

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Call of the wild#1

Peyton Colt has 9 family members total, all a pain in her ass, but of course she loves them... most of the time. I think her parents just wanted to torture all of them, so road trip was their number one tatic. It was sunshines and rainbows until they finally make they're way through California, right near a town called Beacon Hills. Something or someone bashes into the side, flipping the RV completely over. Peyton has no idea what's going on, the only thought she has is to help her family but once she's able to move, every single family member is already dead, torn to pieces. And a wolf is blocking her way to help.

Call of the wild #2

Peyton Argent. Her family thought she would be to much to handle the first time she snatched up a gun and ripped her stuffed animals to shreds. That was when she was only 5. But her aunt Kate knew she had more potential then her twin sister Allison ever would, so she took her in. Now she is 17, Her Aunt dead, killed by Peter Hale. But she doesn't care, her aunt was psychotic and everyone knew it. But she is returning to Beacon Hills, and she is looking for revenge. No, not on werewolves. Revenge against the Argents. And that's where Derek Hale and the rest of the pack comes into play.

Which one would you guys like better? And would you want Colt Argent or Peyton Argent?

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