Healing remedies

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The thing sprints towards me, vibrating the ground as it stomps- What do I even call it? He said their names are Ethan and Aidan so.....Athan? Sure, so Athan is all wolfed out, I'm just standing there like an idiot, all human-y. I didn't really think this through when I basically invited them to fight me.

10ft away

5ft away

It's now or never, I crouch down, flick out my claws and give a roar, My eyes are shining bright grey but luckily I'm not facing Duke. My roar echoes through the woods and Athan staggers a bit, then just collapses, and when they rise back up they're their own person again.

Did my roar do that?

Deucalion must be thinking the same thing, he rushes towards me and flips me around to face him. My eyes are back to their normal pale green.

"How did you do that!?" We are face to face and his claws tear into my arm, they go in one side and come out the other. And very painful.

"I'm not one of your dogs, You don't get to ask me anything!" I spit back in protest, but secretly having no idea at all as to how I just pulled that off.

"Show me your eyes!" He yells back, his eye ball turning blood red.


"Look at the options Charlie, Your not going anywhere." He gestures to his claws hooking through my skin, keeping me in place.

"You can either show me your eyes... or I kill you right here."

"I choose the third option." I rip my arm from him, tearing through half of my skin. And make a dash for it, only to have Kali block my way.

My skin is barely still attached to the bone and of course I still have to fight! Plus I've already lost so much blood I'm pretty sure I'll die from that before a pair of claws.

She does her little leap kick thing and I dodge it, running past her to my cell phone on the ground a few feet away, But a few blurry shapes move past me, I get ready to fight but one lunges on Kali. Stopping her from reaching me. My vision is hazy but I do see a few pairs of yellow and blue eyes. Two hairy hands wrap around my waist, and me being Charlie Baston, I attack, kneeing him in the stomach, trying to get away from the enemies grasp.

"Charlie! Stop it! It's just me!" The familiar sound of Derek's voice rings in my ears, and I twist around to look at him, sighing in relief.

"Oh thank God." He smiles at me but quickly masks it with his normal stone features.

"We need to go, and by the looks of it we also need to get you to Deatons." I nod my head weakly and lean against his chest. No longer being able to hold my own weight, he looks down at me.

"What did you even do?"

"I...pissed off... Duke." I let out a huff of laughter at my own stupidity, my eyes keep fluttering open and closed, then a cold sensation runs through my veins, making my eyes droop even further.

"Come on Char, you have to stay awake for me."

"But I don't wanna." I whine, my feet dragging behind me. I feel light, like I'm Cinderalla and my prince is flying me across the ball room. Did I just call Derek my prince? I look up at him, only to see him staring down at me with concern eating away at his face. Who am I kidding, he probably thinks I'm some damsel in distress, not his Princess.

"Will you stop looking at me like that." I mumble through the numbness spreading across my body. He doesn't respond so I peek my eyes back up to him. He looks at my drooping eyes and in one swift moment he swings me up like I'm his bride.

"Where are you even taking m-"

"Do you really think you were going to get away that easily my prodigy?" Deucalian's voice dings around in my head. I look down slowly to see him a few feet away with his claws raised and his eyes red. I look back up at Derek.

"Can you take him?" He glances down at me and gives a slight shake of his head.

"Not with you like this." I close my eyes tight, I so didn't want it to come to this.

"Set me down." I order him, but he won't have it.

"No! We did not make this whole plan of getting you back for you to go and give yourself over to Deucalion!" I roll my eyes at his rambling.

"I'm not you idiot, I'm going to do something to help us escape. Now set me down." I slightly yell at him before adding the most crucial part,
"And...You should probably take a few steps back..." He looks at me with confusion but does as he's told. I look back to an advancing Duke.

"What are you gonna do, you can barely stand. Just come quietly and I'll forget the whole 'trying to kill me' thing." He offers me with a sadistic grin on his face.

"Shut up already." I grit my teeth and flash my eyes at him, he instantly goes up in flames. Don't worry, I'll explain later.

I look back up at Derek who looks like he just saw a man go up in flames... which he did so I understand that I have to slap him a few times before he comes back around.

"Come on, I don't know how much longer I got." I tell him, and he finally snaps out of his haze and picks me up and takes off to Deatons.


"It's not going to heal for quite some time based off werewolf healing, since it was done by an Alpha." Deaton tells me after examining my arm and wrapping it up. When I look back up at him he seems hesitant to say something.

"Deaton, just say it."

"Can I inject you with wolfsbane? I know last time didn't go over so well-"

"Ya, go for it." I lay back on the metal table, Derek standing around where my head is.

"You sure about this?" He asks.

"Sure as I'll ever be. Just do it fast." I tell Deaton who walks towards with me with a needle in hand. I force my eyes shut and wait for prickle sensation to go down my chest where the needle will pierce through. It comes, along with the same feeling it always does, but then an odd feeling happens, almost like when the arm band tightens around your arm when getting your pulse checked.

My eyes shoot open and I sit up right, this.... this feels good.

"...Charlie?" Derek's voice interrupts my pleasure.

"Well?" Deaton asks, looking at me with fasination. I can see my grey eyes shining in the reflection of his own.

"That was..." I pause to think of the best word, "Thrilling." The tingling goes away in my arm, and where there was the intense pain where Deucalion ripped through my skin, there was nothing.

"Hold on..." I mumble, tearing off the blood soaked bandage around my arm, when I finally tug off the last piece of the white cloth my hands connect with smooth, un pierced skin.

"The wolfsbane healed me..."


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