Bats Are My Least Favorite Animal

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Charlie only gets the spear so far into Allison's shoulder before she's thrown back, pinned down by Derek and spear less.

"Kill her! Kill her, you dumb fools! Kill her or have your secret be revealed!" She screams, glaring at Allison while throwing hateful stares at the rest.

"Charlie! Stop! Allison is pack! Ok? She helps us, she saves our lives!" Scott yells back at the crazed girl.

"Lie! Liar! She is a hunter! She will never be one of us! She's even worse than the rest, worse than the lowest human!" Charlie kicks off the ground, throwing a damn fit. She roars and swings her arm out of her captors hands. Somehow she manages to slip through Dereks grip and lunges for Allison again, who is already sprawled on the floor with blood seeping through her jacket. The hunter stares horrifed at Charlie, frozen on the floor.

"CHARLIE!" Scott roars, his eyes flashing a glorious red before fading back to yellow.

"SHE WILL BETRAY US!" Charlie screams back, her eyes glowing an intense grey, threatening Scott with a mere glare.

"Get Allison out of here!" Scott yells at his pack. Isaac lifts up the bleeding hunter and rushes out of the room.


"Charlie, listen to me! Allison is your friend! She's your friend!" Derek decides to help and say something.

Either it was what he said or Derek himself but something gets through to Charlie and she stops struggling against Scott and slowly starts to blink back into reality.

"Scott?" She whispers, her voice raspy from screaming.

"Did I kill her?" Scott hesitates before beginning to shake his head. But it's too late, the young werewolf already thinks of the worst.

"Oh my god, I killed her! I didn't even mean to turn! This is what I'm talking about! You guys can't trust me! I killed her!" She crumples into a ball and holds her head in her hands, which are already shaking.

"I killed her. I killed her." Her whole body starts to shake, the other werewolves feeling the energy flowing from her body.

"No, Charlie, you didn't kill her! She'll be fine."

"Nooo, no no no!" The girl wails into her hands, not hearing their words.

"Charlie, look at me!" Derek yells at her, she looks at him. All are surprised at the amount of glow her eyes are emitting off.

"Charlie you need to calm down."

Her sobs wrack her whole body and the energy only intensified in her eyes. The grey becoming more like a silver.

All of a sudden her sorrow filled sobs are replaced with pained ones.

"It-it burns!" She screeches, scratching at her eyes. She lets out another scream, when there is a burst of light and she faints. Derek, in to much shock to even try and soften her fall, watches in surprise.

"Charlie?" Stiles asks as she groans and shifts on the floor a moment later.

"Char?" He tries again.

She blinks her eyes open, their breath hitches at the glossy look in her eyes.

"Who turned off the lights?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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