A visit to the vet

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"What the hell happened In there?" Isaac asks me as I pass Scott over to him.

"I don't know, it happened so fast, if it wasn't for Scott's occasional jerk, I'd think he was dead. It was like we were in a sauna, there was this mist and Mrs.Argent was about to stab Scott, but then Derek started to collapse too...." I trail off, needing to take a huff of air, carrying two werewolves at once is not something I recommend.

"It's okay you can tell me the rest later, but was it wolfsbane?" Isaac asks, tossing Scott into the back seat of Derek's car, as I do the same with him.

"What's wolfsbane?" I ask,

"What...how...do you even know what mountain ash is?" Isaac asks, not answering my question

"Uh...kinda? Derek mentioned it...." I say

Isaac doesn't retaliate, just says,

"Here, Derek says your one hell of a driver." Isaac chuckles, tossing me the keys before sliding into the passenger seat himself.

"Mhm, finally, something he's right about" I laugh, climbing Into the drivers side.

"Where's stiles?"

"Him and Erica took Jackson in the woods to interrogate him." he says as I start the engine before tearing down the road.

"Where to?"

"The vets" he says

"And uh.... where's that?"


After Isaac gave me a series of directions we finally arrived at the vets.

I grab Derek out of the car, Isaac already knocking at the door with Scott slung over his shoulders.

"So what, is this guy like a werewolf encyclopedia?"

"More like all supernatural encyclopedia." He laughs at me before the door opens, revealing a dark skinned, bald headed middle aged man with a groove spot.

He gives a warm smile to Isaac, but when his eyes land on mine, I'm met with confusion.

But he doesn't miss a beat inviting us in with open arms.

"Lay them down here," He says, pointing to the steel tables.

I lay Derek down surprised at what I hear next from the "vet"

"Take of their shirts"

"My pleasure" I mutter, more to myself then anyone, but of course Isaac hears due to his increased ability to hear, he gives me a large smirk that doesn't go away quickly. Thankfully the bald man doesn't hear. I would go touch his hand to get a read on him, but I'm sure he will introduce himself shortly.

I toss the shirt on a counter, walking closer to Isaac and the man.

"And who might you be?" he asks, looking at me.

"Well, I might be God, but as far as I know, the names Charlie." I say with a smile, holding out my hand. Isaac rewards me with a laugh and the man, with a smile.

Luckily he answers one of my many questions,

"My names Deaton, Dr. Deaton." he takes his soft hands in mine.

"Ooo, you just pulled a James Bond on me." I laugh, he chuckles at that joke before asking us,

"So, what exactly happened?" He asks, gesturing towards Derek and Scott.

"Well, to give you the bullet points, we captured Jackson-" Isaac begins but is cut off by Deaton,

"And how did you manage that?"

A True Omega (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now