What no applause?

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"Charlllliieeee" I sing song voice echoed through my head,

"Charlllliieeee, time to get up" it repeated again, I shrugged it off, I'm too comfy to get up.

"Charlie!" the sing son voice disintegrated and is replaced with a voice which consists of chainsaws and screaming, at least that's what it sounds like when you add a hangover to it.

I roll over into my stomach,

"Go away" I mumble, not sure if I sound coherent.

"Charlie, the packs here!" the voice rips through my skull like sharp glass.

I feel myself being lifted up, then bouncing up and down which relates to the pain of being shot is like and then being placed on a chair? I force my eyes open,

"What!?" I mumble, finding the culprit, Derek.

"Get up and come to the living room, but uh...you might wanna take a shower first." he gestures to myself before walking out the door.

"Asshole" I mutter before twisting the shower on, letting the warm water cascade down my back. what happened last night? I don't even remember! I think I got really wasted? not sure.... I remember kissing someone? did I go to a club? whatever, as long as I didn't have sex, I don't really care.

I get out and dry off, wrapping the towel around my body before I hear the door open.

"Ever hear of knocking?!" I tell the stranger, who's footsteps are coming more near.

"Like you care" my favorite old semi killer tells me, laying down next to me on the bed.

"What's up peter?" I ask, putting my head on his chest.

"You know your soaking wet, and now getting me wet also?" He questions

"Like you care" I mimic back, getting an eye roll.

He wraps an arm around me in a caring way, giving my shoulder a squeeze. it's not like 'like' that between me and him, he's like an older cooler brother to me.

"You know your actually gonna have to tell Derek and everyone the whole truth this time, right?" he looks down at me, he wants to know the truth too.

"Yes, yes, now get out so I can get ready and tell them everything." I say, pushing him off my bed.

"I look forward to hearing it kid." He says before shutting the door.

I throw on my white short dress with an old fashion design, the whole buttons down the middle of the boobs design, which are shown off well, then a dark jean jacket and my American flag high top converse. I quickly slab some makeup on, getting rid of the sleepy/hangover look I got goin on. Lastly I brush my hair down and waltz out the door.

The 'pack' is already all set up on the L shaped couch, which consists of Derek, Peter, Allison, Scott, Stiles, Issac, Boyd, Erica and Lydia.

"You should grab some snacks, this is gonna take a while."

All but stiles stays in their spot, of course he's the one to get snacks. I grin up at him while everyone else glares as he sits back down with a bag of chips and a Gatorade, he must've finally noticed everyone shooting daggers at him since he looks up,

"What? she said if you wanted snacks....?" He replies innocently. I chuckle at him before taking a deep breath,

"No interruptions, okay?" I look at each and everyone one of them, pausing a little longer on stiles then the rest,

"Why are you looking at me for?!" he yells,

"Because you have nook for inturupting-"

"I do not!"

A True Omega (Derek Hale) (Teen Wolf)Where stories live. Discover now