West Eastman High

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This is my life. The name is Kendrick, and I'm a chipmunk. I'm not like a famous chipmunk, but I always wanted to be one, yet I'm kinda shy. Today is Wednesday, and I'm going to school today. West Eastman High is the name, also the Chipmunks and Chipettes go there. Guess I'm the 8th chipmunk going. Alvin,Simon,Theodore,Slade,Brittany,Jeanette,and Eleanor. I went to the bathroom to wash up. I turned on the shower, then I got in. I started humming Bad Day by the Chipmunks. I turned off the shower, then wrapped myself in a towel. I was looking through my closet to find my signature hoodie. I found it, and I pulled it over my head. I looked in the mirror. My head was messy, yet it is like a bed head. I grabbed some gel, and put it on my head. I pulled my hair up to make it like a mohawk. I grabbed the hair dryer to make the mohawk and the gel last. I admired my hair, yet it was like a popstar look. I went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. I jumped onto the counter, and opened the cabinet. I pulled out some Honey Nut Cheerios. I poured me a bowl, then ate it without milk. I don't like my cereal with milk for a chipmunk. Once I was done, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Kendall. He is my owner, and he is like my father. He named me Kendrick just for our names to have a Ken. Before he named me Kendrick, he called me Little Guy. "Sup Kendrick, ready for school?" He was wearing a business suit. He works for a company. "Yep, let's go." We went inside his red Ford Fushion. I sat in the passenger seat. Kendall started the engine, and drove out the driveway. "So, excited for school? The Chipmunks and Chipettes are going to be there." Yeah, I'm excited. Maybe they will be my first friends, and it would be fun. Kendall parked beside the school. He opened the door for me. "Have a great day at school. Love you man." He held out his fist. "Love you too player." I fist bumped him. I jumped out the car, then he left. In front of me was the school. Eastman High, my first day, and let this go well.

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