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I was eating dinner with the Chipmunks and Chipettes. I wasn't wearing my hoodie because its in the washer, so I'm naked. They were talking, while I was silent. I scoot my plate in front of me, then left. The Munks was watching me leave with sorrow in their eyes. Dave went to the store to buy me a pajama shirt that looks like my other one, since its left at Kendall's house. Dave gave me a bath earlier, and I smell like strawberry vanilla. I went to the living room, then laid down. I was so depress, I didn't even say a word. I was about to fall asleep, until the door unlock. It was Dave, holding a small bag. "Hi, Dave." "Hey guys." I look up to see Dave coming towards me with the bag. "Here you go, Kendrick." Out the bag was a pajama t-shirt that looks like my old one. I smile, and put it over my head. I look around my body, seeing it fits perfectly. "Thanks, Dave." He pull something else out the bag, and it was 3 new hoodies like my other one. I grabbed  them, and gasp. "Thank you." He smile and went upstairs for bed. That was when Brittany came over to me. "Are you okay?" I nodded grabbing my blanket. "I want you to be happy Kendrick. I can't stand looking at you like this." "Why do you care so much about me?" She blush a little bit. "I don't know, but I want to see you smile." With that, she walk away. I laid down on my pillow, and pulled my cover over me. Maybe if I stop thinking about this, I will be happy. My eyes start to feel heavy. I close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep. Tomorrow is Saturday, and I was thinking about convincing Dave to take us to have fun. I'm going to be 100% happy.

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