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It was lunch time, right after 3rd period. We ran to the cafeteria, and jumped onto the counter. The food looks great, and yummy. I got me some grapes, carrot sticks, a Dr.Pepper, and a sundae. We all grabbed our food, then walk to a table. "Alvin, are you seriously going to eat all those cheeseballs?", asks Brittany. "Yeah Britt, this is all my heaven sent food." Alvin started gobbling his food down. Wow, Alvin is very hungry. I started eating my carrot sticks. "So Kendrick, tell us about yourself." says Brittany. "Well, I have a adoptive father named Kendall. He is a cool guy to hang out with. I'm older than Alvin, but younger than Simon, and I love to dance and sing. Brittany smiled. "Ooh, you sound like you have a nice life." "You guys have a nice life. Being popular and all." That was when Ryan knocked down my tray. "So sorry, hope you can eat it off the floor!" He laughed with his friends. Alvin was ready to stand up for me, but I resist. "Look, I don't want any trouble! Just stay away from me, or I will do something that I will never regret." "What are you going to do? Cry to your mommy!" I growled, showing my sharp chipmunk teeth. I pounced on his face, scratching and punching. He was screaming with agony. Then I gave him a wedgie. After that,he ran away. "Whoa, that was awesome!" "Thanks." My first school fight, and it was kinda fun. "Do you want to hang out with us after school." "Sure, but I have to ask Kendall first." They nodded their head. Hanging out with them must be fun. Just who is going to make it fun? He has a red hoodie with a giant yellow A, and he is a troublemaker. Comment below and tell me who he is!

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