First concert

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It was 11:30 am, and Dave left earlier to get my respective color outfits because I'm related to the Chipmunks now, so that means I'm part of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Alvin and Slade was playing video games, Simon and Jeanette was reading a book together, Theodore and Eleanor was drawing and coloring, and I was in the cabinet trying to find something to eat. Something tapped me on my shoulder, so I turned around. It was Brittany with a serious look on her face. "Come on, I need to tell you something in the backyard." "Oh yeah, I forgot." Me and Brittany went to the backyard. She had this face that I can't seem what emotion it is. "The reason I wanted to talk to you is because I like this chipmunk. I don't know how to tell him that I like him." "Just go up to him, and say I like you." "Oh, okay. I like you." "Hold up, its me!" "Yeah, I mean. When I heard you say you was scared that I might deny you, my feelings for you got bigger every single day." OH MY GOSH, BRITTANY LIKES ME! I MUST BE DREAMING RIGHT NOW! SOMEONE PITCH ME! I pitched myself to see was I dreaming. "Ouch." "Why did you pitch yourself?" "To see was I dreaming." Brittany giggled at my action. "Let's go back inside." "Okay." Brittany and I went back inside the house. Dave was back home. "Kendrick, look at your outfits." Dave gave me some new outfits. One was a black coat with a dark blue and light blue markings tie, another was a white tuxedo with a black bow, another with a dark blue with light blue markings coat with a black tie, and the last one was a dark blue basic tee with a light blue star. "These are awesome! Thank you very much, Dave!" "Your welcome, and guess what. Your first concert is tonight." I was surprised, and my mouth was wide open. "Wow, my first concert is tonight! This is the best day of my life so far. Where are we going, Dave?" "We are going to Orlando, Florida." I smiled, thinking about performing with the Chipettes and my brothers. "Will the fans like me, Dave?" "Of course they will. Don't worry about a thing. Come on everybody, pack up for Orlando." We went to our rooms to pack up. This is very exciting!

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