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We was on backstage, waiting for our name to be called. "Okay, there is a stool on the stage. Alvin is going to be on the stool, and there is a pole up in the air. Kendrick is going to be thrown up on the pole. Got it?" "Yep." I was messing with my blue with light blue markings tie. I noticed Brittany looking at me with lustful eyes. "Like what you see, Brittany?" Brittany snapped out of her thoughts and looked away, blushing. "Yeah, but I'm not going to tell you what. I was looking at Brittany with lustful eyes also. She was hypnotizing me with her gorgeous face and body. "Are you guys ready for the Chipmunks and Chipettes!" We heard the crowd cheer very loudly. The curtains opened, and Alvin did a front flip on the stool. Everybody except Alvin did a back flip to the front of the stage. We started singing Holiday. During Jeanette and Simon's duet, Alvin, Theodore, Brittany, and Eleanor threw me up in the air to get on the pole. I was flying up to the pole, but a accident came. My head hit the pole very hard, and I was falling to the ground. I landed with a thud, not moving. Everybody gasped, and the Chipmunks looked at me in horror. "KENDRICK!" Brittany ran to my side with the others following her. "We need a ambulance!" "Is he going to be okay?" "Help is on the way, Kendrick. Can you hear us?" I felt a huge hand on my chest. "He is unconscious. I called 911, and they are on the way." Dave went to the microphone. "I'm sorry everybody, but the show is over. They will be back here on March 21st. The audience awed and some of them booed. A pair of hands picked me up, and put me on a soft stretcher. I was carried to the back of the ambulance. Everybody got in, and Brittany came to my side and cuddled with me. "I hope you're okay." The ambulance started moving. Alvin was upset while Slade was trying to comfort him, Simon was upset also, Jeanette was sniffling along with Eleanor and Theodore, and Brittany was sobbing quietly. Dave was very upset. Read about my recovery next.

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