Hanging out with the popstars

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We have arrived at Dave's house, and it looks like a warm home for chipmunks. Dave opened the car door for us, and we jumped out. We ran to the front porch, waiting for Dave to open the front door. Dave was about to open the door, until Alvin interrupted him. "Dave, how about I unlock the door." "Why, Alvin?" "Because last time, you forgot where you put your key." Dave seem like he was focusing on what Alvin was talking about. "Alright, Alvin unlock the door." Alvin went through the mail slot, then we heard a click sound. The door open, and there house is very clean and neat. "Kendrick, come to our room!" "Okay, coming!" I ran after them to their rooms. There was 2 sets of bunk beds, one for the boys and one for the girls. There was a red,blue,green,and black sheets on the boys side, and pink,purple,and light green for the girls. I saw a black guitar with a orange flame on it, also it has a huge, yellow A on it. It must be Alvin's guitar. "So Kendrick, can you sing?" "Yeah, a little." "Can you sing us a song?", ask Theodore. "Umm sure." I started singing I Should've Kissed You. When I was done, they were amazed. "Whoa, that was awesome!" "Thanks." "Guys, dinner is on the table!", yelled Dave. We ran out the room. Dave helped us up onto the table. There on my plate, and the other Munks plate, there was peas and carrots. Chipmunks are herbivores. I started eating the peas and carrots, and they was very good. Dave is a very good cook. "So Kendrick, do you have any nicknames we can call you." "Yeah. You can call me Ken,Drick,or Rick." Once we were done eating, Alvin started tackling Slade to the ground. Slade growled with annoyance. "Get off of me, Troublemaker." Alvin smirked, showing that he is not going to get off of Slade. "Well, while you guys are going to play around, we are going up the stairs.", says Simon. "Okay, guess I'm going to have fun with Slade." Slade blush, but not hard so no one will see him. Simon shrugged, and ran to the room. The others followed him. I looked back at Slade and Alvin. I always thought they would be a great couple.

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