Orlando here we come

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We are on our way to the airport to fly to Orlando, Florida, since we live in Los Angeles, California. Alvin was listening to some music, Simon was reading a book, Theodore was eating a cookie, Slade was asleep, Brittany was reading a magazine, Jeanette was doing a math worksheet that she haven't finished for school, and Eleanor is asleep along with Slade. I was busy staring at Brittany, and I can't get my eyes off of her. I'm still shocked about her liking me. Brittany caught me looking at her, and she gave me a flirty smile. I blushed fiercely. "Alright everybody, we at the airport grab your bags." "Slade, wake up." "Come on, Troublemaker. I'm tired." "We are at the airport. You can sleep on the plane." Slade groaned with tiredness. "Okay." Slade got his bag, and gotten out the car. "Eleanor, wake up." "Theo, where are we?" "We are at the airport. Get your bag." Eleanor grabbed her bag, and jumped out the car. We are heading towards the entrance to the airport. Dave opened the door for us, and we ran in. We were heading to the counter to book our ride. "Hi, we like to book a plane to Orlando, Florida." "Okay, what's your name?" "Dave Seville." "Wait, the father of Alvin and the Chipmunks? I'm a huge fan, and they are so adorable! Can I see them?" "Sorry, but we are on our way to a concert." "Aww, just for a little bit." Dave sign in defeat. "Okay." Dave picked us up one by one. Alvin, Simon, Theodore, Slade, then me. "You guys are cuter in person, and who is that black chipmunk?" "Oh, that's our new brother, Kendrick. He is part of the Chipmunks." "Well, you are very cute for a black chipmunk." "Thank you." "Now sir, your plane to Orlando is C1. "Okay, thank you." We went to the lobby to sit down, and wait for our plane to call. I realized Brittany staring at me. "Is there something on me?" "No, the lady is right. You are very cute for a black chipmunk." I smiled at her. "Well, you are the prettiest chipmunk I ever seen in my life." Brittany blushed as red as Alvin hoodie. Literally! "Board Plane C1 for Orlando, Florida." We gotten up to go to the plane. Orlando, here we come.

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