They're going down

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I explained everything to them about Andrew and the Coolmunks. They had shocked and frustrated faces. "That's so crazy! They really think they can beat us? Come on! We are the most popular singing Chipmunks in the world not them." "Alvin is right. We should call them to a dance battle." I wanted to say something real quick. "Brittany, are you sure? Yeah, they are acting conceited but we should not fight fire with fire. We should just... you know.... ask can they stop talking about us...... awww what the heck. Call them." We called the number to Andrew and the Coolmunks. The phone ranged for 10 seconds, then we heard a voice just like Alvin, but it was a little deeper.

Andrew: What's up, It's Andrew, the leader of the Coolmunks. Talk to me, babe.

Alvin: I'm not your babe. You are talking to the world's most famous leader of the Chipmunks.

Andrew: Oh, what's up Alvin. Why did you call? To say something about my awesomeness.

Alvin: Awesomeness! You don't have any!

Simon: Uh, hi Andrew. It's Simon, the smartest one.

We heard Samuel laughing in the background.

Samuel: Smartest one? Unbelievable! I'm the smartest one.

Samuel sounds like Simon, but with a Australian accent.

Simon: You sound like a jerk, Samuel the dumbest one.

Samuel and Simon was arguing over the phone. Theodore ran to the phone.

Theodore: Hi! This is Theodore! We called you for a reason.

Slice: What's the reason, mate?

Slice has a little Australian accent. We could tell who is because he almost sounds like Slade.

Me: We called for a dance battle. Chipmunks and Chipettes vs Coolmunks and Hotettes.

Kevin: You don't have a chance againest us, losers!

Kevin's voice is like mine, but a little meaner and a little higher. I hate myself now.

Brittany: Says the one is wants to be us, copying a darker shade of our colors and so on. Staples center at 7:00 pm. Everyone is going to be there.

Coolmunks: Deal!

We hunged up the phone. I was just thinking what to do. Should I just practice my moves or just sit, chill, and relax? Maybe a little nap can take the stress off. I went up to the bedroom, and got on my bunkbed. I dozed myself to a nice slumber.

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