Hanging Out with the Chips and the Ettes

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The Chipmunks and Chipettes are very cool to hang out with, and they are very good tour guides. "We should get to 1st period.", said Simon. We all agreed, and ran to 1st period. It was Art. We all went to sit in a table. There was paper, pencils, erasers, crayons, and markers. "I'm going to draw the guitar that I always wanted for Christmas!" says Alvin. "I'm going to draw the beautiful dress I saw at the mall last Saturday." said Brittany. "What are you going to draw, Kendrick?" "It's a surprise." They was excited to see what I was going to work on. All their drawings was great. Simon draw his favorite scientist, Theodore draw a teddy bear, Slade draw him with fire as his background. It was really cool. Jeanette draw a pretty violet flower, and Eleanor draw a sunset. All of them was amazing! 35 minutes later, I finished with my artwork. "Guys, I'm done!" They all smiled and gathered around. I showed them, and then they gasped. It was a group picture of the Chipmunks and the Chipettes. They was admiring it. "Awesome!" says Slade. "Thanks." The bell rang, telling us 1st period is over. We all ran out the classroom walking to 2nd period. I'm glad I met them. They are my first friends that are chipmunks.

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