Not around

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It was Thursday, and my alarm clock just woke me up at 8. I fell out my bed, and landed with a thud. "Stupid alarm." I rubbed my head. I took off my pajama shirt, which looks like my hoodie, except its short sleeve. I climbed on my drawer to get my hoodie. I put the hoodie over my head. My mohawk is still fine, so I don't need to do my hair. I went to the kitchen to get me a granola bars with nuts. I open the wrapper, and took a bite. Kendall was coming downstairs with his business suit on. "Rick, ready to go?" I finish my granola bar. I nodded my head. He opened the front door for me, and I ran out. Kendall was opened the car door for me, and he buckle me in. I was thinking about what happen last night. It was fun, yet I told them my crush. Kendall came in the car, buckle his seatbelt, and crank it up. He drove out the driveway. "So Kendrick, are you okay from last night?" I nodded my head. I told him what happen last night because I needed to talk to someone about it. We arrived at the school. "Have a nice day, Kendrick." I smile and nodded my head. Kendall drove away to work. I walk into the school, then went to my 1st period, which is Art. There was the Chipmunks and Chipettes. I didn't want to be with them today because I'm still scare from last night. I went to sit in a empty table, and put on my hood. "Our assignment is to make a portrait of ourselves." I can do that. I'm very creative. I looked up to see the Chipmunks and the Chipettes looking around. Maybe they notice me not there. I started on my portrait, with a picture frame with stars around it. 30 minutes later, I was finished. I jumped off the table, and ran to the art teacher desk. I show her my work. "Excellent job, Kendrick! I should put this in the Best Portrait Section." She thumbtack my artwork. I smile, for thinking it was a best portrait. The bell rang, telling us 1st period is over. I ran out, so I can make it to 2nd period. 2nd period is Science, which is likely my favorite subject because you get to mix, and explode stuff. I sat at a empty table, again. "Okay class, partner up with somebody, then mixed something up." I saw Alvin and Slade, Jeanette and Simon, Theodore and Eleanor, but Brittany has nobody. I ran to her, with my hood over my head. "Hey, do you want to partner up with me?" "Um, sure." Me and Brittany gotton up on the table. "Wait, do I know you?" I slowly took off my hood, revealing me face. She gasped, and I thought I saw a slight blush. My ears were down. "Where were you in 1st period?" I explain everything to Brittany. After when I was done, she gave me a quick hug. "Kendrick, I would never stop talking to you. I just don't know how to react when you told us you like me." I nodded my head. "Let's do this assignment." We mixed some stuff, making it fizz like a Pepsi Soda. "This look like a great chemical. I'm giving you guys an A." Even though I'm afraid, I have to talk to them because they are my friends.

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