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I was in the hospital bed, still unconscious. That was when I heard the door open. I heard tiny footsteps and big footsteps. I heard them jump on the seat on one side of the bed. "When is he going to wake up, Dave?" "I don't know, Theodore. It might take some time for him to wake up." I heard singing coming from a beautiful voice. She was singing Everytime We Touch. I woke up at the end of the song. They saw me and gasped, smiling. "Kendrick, your alive!" "Of course he is alive, Alvin. He was in a coma." Brittany jumped on my bed and hugged me really tight. "Oh Kendrick, I missed you!" "I missed you too, Brittany, and thank you for singing." "How did you know it was me?" "The voice, that beautiful voice." She blushed and gave me a peck on the lips. A doctor came in with a clipboard with a long lab coat. "I see you are awake Kendrick Seville. You can leave today, and have a nice day." I nodded and smiled. "Someone pass me my hoodie." Simon grabbed my hoodie and threw it to me. "Thanks, Si." I put much hoodie over my head. "New rule. We are never going to use poles for our next performance." "Aww come on, Dave! I can do it!" "No, Alvin. You might get in a accident like what Kendrick did." Alvin pouted, but smiled when Slade gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Don't be upset mi amor. You can get on the pole for me." Alvin blushed fiercely. Brittany came up to my side while we was walking to the car. "I have a surprise for you when we get back to the hotel." "What is it? Tell me please!" "You'll see." She tickled my chin with her index finger (or paw). I wonder what the surprise is. "Hey, Dave. What is our next stop for our next concert?" "Miami." "Cool, I always wanted to go there." Miami, brace yourselves. The best singing chipmunks boys and girls are going to blow the roof.

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