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We was at home, minding our businesses, doing our thing. I was playing on my phone until Simon yelled. "Guys, come look at this!" I took off running to the living room. "What's up, Si." We turned our heads to the TV to look at what's going on. "We are here with 5 new singing boy chipmunks. No, not Alvin and the Chipmunks. We are here with Andrew and the Coolmunks. "What!" "This has to be a prank!" "Unbelievable!" The Chipettes were shocked also. "Tell us about your self." "Well, I'm Andrew, the leader. Those are my brothers Samuel, Toby, Slice, and Kevin. They have the same first letters of our names. "Are you fans of the Chipmunks?" "Kinda, but we think they are a little lame. "LAME!" "Alvin, calm down and listen." "To be honest, you almost look like the Chipmunks. Do people mistake you as them?" "Yeah, some people. We have different shades of their signature color, and their clothes." He was right. Andrew wore a crimson hoodie with a black "A", Samuel wore a navy blue hoodie with stylish glasses, Toby wore a light green hoodie, Slice was wearing a gray hoodie. Slice has one eye orange. And Kevin, my counterpart, he wore a light blue hoodie with purple markings. "Are there any female that looks like the Chipettes?" We all gasped except for Brittany. "There better not be. I'm probably cuter than that other FAKE Brittany." "Yes, there is. Their names are Brianna, Jewel, and Emily." "Wow, they got the exact first letters of the girls also." "Are they better than than the Chipettes?" "Yeah, they totally are, and we are better than the Chipmunks!" All of us were mad. "Who do they think they are." "I don't know, Jeanette. Maybe they are jealous about us and trying to make themselves feel better." "I think Eleanor is right about that." "Okay, that is it for today. Oh, what are the girls group names?" "The Hotettes." "Oh, okay. There should be a battle against you and the Chipmunks, and the Chipettes and the Hotettes. Well, that is it for today. Come back tomorrow at 5:00 to see the Coolmunks again." "We have to meet them! I want to challenge them! We are not lame!" "Yeah, we should meet them." "Okay, how about we look them up tomorrow. I'm tired, and we got school tomorrow." We went to our bedroom to get ready for bed and school. I think I'm better than Kevin😏.

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