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I bet the Chipmunks and Chipettes realized I was gone because I heard them coming down the steps. They were calling my name, checking every room. I started crying, remembering the game Crushes, and liking Brittany. "Hey, Slade? Alvin? Have you guys seen Kendrick?" "No, me and Slade were asleep. They have gotton up to search for the others. I crawled out under the couch. "Kendrick, there you were. Why were you hiding under the couch?" "The game Crushes, you guys got the answer right." More tears were falling out of my eyes, but I wiped them away. "So, you have a crush on Brittany?" I nodded, putting my hood over my head, so my face would be cover. "Wait, you guys are playing a game called Crushes? I saw that game on YouTube, and my crush is Slade.", says Alvin. Slade smirked. "You are my crush too, mi amor. Alvin blushed, red as his hoodie. "So, why did you run out the room?" "I was afraid that Brittany would deny me, or won't talk to me anymore." Everybody had concerned eyes on me, while Brittany didn't. I started crying again, with a few sniffs. "Kendrick, please don't cry.", says Theodore. The doorbell rang, and Dave came downstairs to open the door. It was Kendall, ready to pick me up. "Sup Kendrick, had fun? I nodded, then Kendall picked me up. "Bye Dave, see you soon." "Bye Kendrick, I enjoy you." The Munks waved at me. I waved back. Brittany was looking at me with feelings that I can't explain. Kendall went back outside to crank up his car. Home, here we come.

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