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Me and Dave arrived at home. We went inside the house, and I can't wait to see the Chipmunks  reaction. "Boys, guess what. Kendrick is your new brother." The Chipmunks gasped. Theodore was the first to run up to me, and gave me a hug. "Its so nice to have a new brother." I smiled and hug Theodore back. "Welcome to the family, brother." I smile at Simon, and he smile back. "Wow, a new brother. Give me a hug." I let go of Theodore, and went to hug Alvin. "Sup, bro." I saw Slade, and smirk. I fist bumped him. "Kendrick, you should join the Chipmunks now." "Really?" Dave nodded. "Alright, but I have to have my respective color. You know dark blue with light blue markings." "Okay, I will do that tomorrow. "Alright Chipmunks and Chipettes, its time for bed." We ran to our room to change into our pajamas. When I was finished, Brittany came up to me. "Kendrick, can I tell you something in the backyard tomorrow?" "Yeah, sure Brittany." She smile and went to her bed." "Kendrick, I'm going to upgrade the bunkbed to have 4, so you can have one." "Alright, Dave." I was sharing a bunk with Theodore, and he doesn't seem to mind. He was already asleep, snuggling up on me. I smiled on how Theodore was connecting a brother bond with me already. "Goodnight, Chipmunks and Chipettes." "Goodnight, Dave." I was awake for a few minutes. I was thinking about what Brittany has to tell me tomorrow. I close my eyes, and went to a deep sleep.

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