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I was still sleeping, and then I felt a huge amount of water on me. I woke up very quick and shook the water off of me. I looked up to see Alvin with a bucket of water. "What the heck!" "Come on, Kendrick. We are at the airport." "Doesn't mean you pour water on me, Alvin." I grabbed my bag, and went out the airplane door. I was very mad at Alvin for throwing water at me. I was having the best dreams of my life, and course it had Brittany in it. We were in the meadows having a picnic, and we went to the beach to look at the sunset. We was about to kiss until the water incident came. We were walking to a hotel to stay, and I was still soaking wet. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm okay Britt. I'm just cold, and wet." I was shivering like it was winter time, but its a nice summer day in Orlando. We made it inside the hotel, and Dave was booking us in. I sat on my bag, waiting for something to happen. I felt arms wrap around me. I looked up, and there was Brittany. She was warming me up, and I was enjoying it. "Sorry about Alvin, but he loves to prank people." "I know. He is quite a troublemaker." "My troublemaker. Don't steal him." "Yeah Slade, he is your troublemaker." "Come on, guys. Let's go to our rooms." We followed Dave to our hotel room. Once we opened the door, it was very beautiful. "Guys, put on your outfits because we are suppose to be at the stadium in 30 minutes." We opened our bags to put on our outfits. "So, what song are we singing?" I had a idea of what song we should sing. "I have a great idea. Trust me."   

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