Are you serious

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It was 6:00, and me and Dave was about to go somewhere. "Okay guys. Me and Kendrick are about to go. Simon, I'm putting you in charge." "What! How come Simon gets to be in charge? I'm the oldest!" "Because Alvin, Simon is more mature than you." Alvin groaned, and went to the living room to play his Xbox. "Bye, Dave!" Dave and I went out the door. I wonder where we are going.

Dave stopped in front of the courthouse. I was scared, but I calm down. "Kendrick, your not in trouble." I nod my head, and went inside the courthouse with Dave. We sat in a nice office room, and there was a lady with a nice business suit on. Dave and her shook hands. I sat on the other chair. I wasn't listening on what they were talking about because I was busy scratching my ear. "Kendrick, do you accept this adoption?" I stopped scratching my ear. "Are you serious!" She nodded her head, then I look at Dave. He smile, waiting for me to answer. "Yes, I would love too." She wrote something down. "Congrats Kendrick. Dave is your new adoptive father." I jumped on Dave and hug him. "Cool, I'm Kendrick Seville!" Dave smile at what I just said. Me and Dave left the courthouse. "That was kinda fun, Dad." Dave laugh, and smile at me, a fatherly smile." "Yes, it was Son." Dave, my new adoptive father. That means Alvin, Simon, Theodore, and Slade are my brothers. I wonder how they are going to react when they found out, except Simon. He already knows where Dave is taking me. This should be fun, playing with my new brothers, and hanging out with my new father.

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