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We were waiting for the plane to take off. 2 chipmunks share each seat. It was me and Brittany, Slade and Alvin, Simon and Jeanette, and Theodore and Eleanor. Everybody was sleep except me, Brittany, and Dave. Dave let me and Brittany play on his phone. We were playing Flappy Bird. "Yes, I beat your high score again!" "Man, that's 3 times in a row. You are really good, Brittany." "Thanks, you are too." The plane took off heading towards Orlando. That was when Brittany gave me her beautiful smile, and she turned away. I had a smirked on my face having a great idea. I quickly kissed Brittany cheek, and I act like I didn't do it. "Kendrick, did you just kissed me? I smiled looking away. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Brittany smirked and kissed my cheek. "Your really sneaky." She gave me another a flirty smille. "Stop giving me that smile." "Why?" "Because it makes my cheeks red." Brittany smiled, and looked up something on Dave's phone. "Look, the Internet upgraded the Alvin and the Chipmunks poster." I looked at the phone, and there I was between Alvin and Simon, and Slade was between Alvin and Theodore. I had one hand in my pocket, and my other one was making a peace sign. "Wow, it looks amazing!" "It does when you are in it." I smiled, then I looked out the window. We were above clouds, and it looks soft like a marshmallow. I looked at Alvin and Slade, and they were cuddling and sleeping. I realized Dave was sleep too. Brittany and I was the only two up. "I guess they went to bed late." Brittany giggled at my comment, then she yawned. "Well, someone is tired like the rest." Brittany laid her head on my shoulder as I laid my head on hers. We were spending time with each other, and I really liked it. Wait, not liked. LOVED it. We fell asleep together in the skies on our way to Orlando. Wish us luck for our concert, everybody.

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