Having fun at Chuck E. Cheese

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Right now, we are at Chuck E. Cheese. Alvin and Slade went to play in the arcade, Theodore and Eleanor went to the buffet, Simon and Jeanette was sitting, talking, and I was in the playhouse. I don't know where Brittany is. I was going through the tube in the playhouse, then I accidently touch noses with somebody, and it was Brittany. "Oh, sorry." I was blushing really hard. "No, its fine. I wasn't paying attention." She was blushing hard too. "So, what are you doing here?", she ask. "I'm trying to look for the slide." "Me too." That was when I saw a long tube. "Come on, I think I found it." I ran towards it. "Kendrick wait! You might slip!" She was right because I slipped. I was yelling and laughing at the same time. "Ouch." I landed on the floor, with my face. Brittany follow, and saw me hurt. "Kendrick! Are you ok? "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for checking." I think I saw a slight blush on her cheeks, and she smile. I was looking for something else to do. I saw Chuck E. Cheese(the mascot guy) coming out a room. "Look, its Chuck E!", says Theodore. Theodore ran up to him, trying to get his attention, but he didn't see Theodore, and he was about to walk on him. "Theo, look out!" I ran to him as fast as I can. When Chuck was about to step on him, I made it and tackle him. "Theodore, are you ok?" "Yeah, thanks to you." I smile at him, a brotherly smile. He hug me, then took off. "That was a nice save, Kendrick." "Thanks Brittany. Theodore is like a brother to me." She smile and I smile back. It seems like we was smiling forever. We looked away, blushing. "Come on guys! Its time to go!" We all met up with Dave. We are now leaving Chuck E. Cheese, and it was fun because I was happy the whole way through.

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