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The bell rang, telling us it was lunchtime. I ran out the room, until someone tug on my hoodie. I turned around, and there was Alvin. "What, Alvin?" "Where were you at Art?" I explain everything to Alvin, and it seems like he was listening, for the first time😅. "Kendrick, don't feel that way. Come sit with us at lunch." I nodded my head, and continue my way. I jumped on the counter, and get what I always get. Carrot sticks, a sundae, and a Dr.Pepper. I sat with the Chipmunks and Chipettes. They smile at me, a welcoming smile. I look at Brittany, and there was that same thing I saw in her eyes last time at Dave's house. She look away quick, so I stop looking at her. I didn't say anything, while they were talking. I left the table, and went outside for a little bit. I stood there, looking up at the clouds. I heard tiny footsteps approaching me. I turn around and it was Brittany. "Are you ok?" I nod my head. "You must be confused, just like me." I look at her. "Why are you confuse?" "When I found out you like me, I was shock, and flattered. Wait, she was flatter? I smile, then my smile was replace with a frown. Brittany saw this, then she hug me. "Kendrick, I hate seeing you like this. You use to be a happy chipmunk. Now you are a miserable chipmunk." I broke away from the hug, looking at her with teary eyes. "Then that's what I want to be. A miserable chipmunk." I can't stand this stress, and I don't want to feel it right now. There has to be a solution to this problem.

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