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I was laying down on my bed, looking at the ceiling. Kendall was in the living room, watching TV. I was depress. I'm not the Kendrick I used to be. That was when I heard a gunshot. I jump and went under my drawer. I stood still, trying not to move a muscle. My door was kicked down, my bathroom door, then my closet. The shooter left my room, and out the front door. I ran out to the living room to see Kendall, laying there with blood surrounding him. "Kendall?" I ran to his side. I step on his blood. I was checking for a pulse, but it was no use. He was dead. I started crying, yelling with rage. I pulled out his cell phone, and call 911. "911, what's your emergency?" "My adoptive father is killed by a unknown man. Please come fast." "On our way, stay where you are." I hung up. I slip on Kendall's blood. I didn't care if I was cover in blood. I was too depress for this. The police officer came through the kicked down door. Doctors came in and pick up Kendall's body. One officer picked me up. "Aww, you poor thing. Got anybody else you can stay with?" "Dave Seville." They nodded and wrapped me up in a blanket since I was cover in blood. They put me in their patrol car. They put Kendall in the ambulance. I started crying, while the car started and drove to Dave's house. We arrived at Dave's house. They picked me up, and went up his front porch. The officer rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, Dave opened the door. The officer explain everything, and Dave look at me with upset eyes. He took me, and the officer left. "Hey Dave, who was that?" They saw me, and gasped, seeing I was cover in my blood. Dave explain everything, and the Munks was sorry for me. Dave took me to the kitchen, and started the sink. He was about to give me a bath. Even though Kendall is dead, his spirit will always be with me.

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