Knowing more

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I was doing my homework from school. Brittany came in the room with a flirty smirk. "Hey, Brittany. What's up?" "Nothing. Do you mind if I use to the restroom?" "Uhh, of course. It is our room." She went to the restroom with a little sway to her hips. I wonder what's up with her. "Hey Brittany, remember you said at the hospital there was a surprise. I didn't see it yet." That was when Brittany came out with a bikini. I felt my cheeks heat up, and my tail started swinging side to side like a cat. "Like what you see, Kendrick?" I nodded my head with my mouth wide open. I was unable to say a word. I was literally about to faint just looking at her sexy body. She came to me and closed my mouth. "You might get something caught in your mouth." "Really? Like what." I was smirking with me being all cute. She smirked also and kissed me roughly. I kissed back, and moved in sync with her. She pushed me back on the bed. "I'm crazy for you right now." "Yeah? I'm cute, that's why." She smiled and got on top of me. She was feeling on my chest, and my abs. She slid my hoodie up a little bit, showing my white underbelly. "Should we finish later before you go crazy?" "Yeah, we should." She giggled and gotten off of me. Slade came into the room, running in. "Hey, Slade. What's up?" "Hiding from Alvin. Were playing a game." Slade went under the bed, and that was when Alvin came into the room. "Have you seen Slade?" "Uhh, no." Alvin grunted and pouted. "I think I saw him went downstairs behind you." Alvin smiled and started running down stairs. Slade came out from under the bed, and started running downstairs. Brittany went back to the restroom maybe to go change back. I got back on my phone and just remembered something. I looked up "Andrew and the Coolmunks". It said "Andrew and the Coolmunks are famous singing group of chipmunks who wants to be better than the Chipmunks. They want the Chipmunks to be eliminated so they can get all the fame." I was so shocked about this. I continued reading. "We want to meet the Chipmunks to have a battle", said Andrew. I turned off my phone and went to the living room. I saw Simon, Theodore, Alvin, Eleanor, and Jeanette watching TV. "Guys, I found out something about the Coolmunks." They turned their heads to look at me. "What is it?" I turned around and there was Brittany coming down the stairs. "Well...

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