It's not real

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I was still crying after 10 minutes until Brittany spoke up. "Kendrick, what's wrong?" "I had a nightmare." "What? I couldn't hear you. Baby, speak up." "I had a nightmare." She hugged me tighter that she almost made me choke, but I held it in. "What was it about?" I explained the dream with more tears coming out my face. Brittany kissed me everywhere on my face. "I'm so sorry. That is not going to happen because it's not real." I nodded my head, sniffing from crying. "Dave made dinner. Come down when you are ready." "Okay, thanks Brittany. I love you." "I love you more." With that, she left the room. That girl knows how to drive me crazy. I was looking around the room for no reason. My fur was wet from all the sweating. Today is Sunday, and we have school tomorrow. I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I got my own towel that is my signature color, and even my own type of soap, Blueberry Cotton Candy. While I was taking a shower, I was thinking about the dream again. It doesn't make any sense why I would dream about that. Don't tell me its going to be in the future when we will perform. Ugh, someone kill me. I was done showering, dryed myself off, and put on my pajama t-shirt. I was going downstairs to eat dinner. "Good evening, Kendrick. I was your nap? "Uhhh, it was good, Dave. Very good." I sat by Brittany eating my dinner. "You smell good. What did you use?" "The same thing. Blueberry Cotton Candy. "I just want to lick you now, but I can't." She pouted and started smirking. "You might have a chance." "Dave, can I stay home tomorrow?" "No Alvin, you can't." "Why?!" "Because if you don't, you'll be dumb and you won't be the "Awesome One" anymore. I started laughing along with Simon, Brittany, and Eleanor while Theodore, Slade and Jeanette was trying to hold it in. "That's not funny guys, but good point Dave." "Simon would've led the Chipmunks if that would happen, Alvin. Just saying." "So Simon is going to be the "Smart and Awesome One?" "Yeah, but that's not going to happen because you are going to school." "Alright, Dave." "Okay Chipmunks and Chipettes, time for bed." We went up to our room going to our bunk. My bunk was between Theodore and Simon with dark blue with light blue markings sheets. "Goodnight, guys." "Goodnight, Dave." Once Dave left, I went to the girls side to climb up to Brittany's bunk which was the highest. "Brittany, you still awake?" "Yeah. Why?" "Can I sleep with you? You make me have beautiful dreams." "Sure." Brittany scooted over and let me go under the sheets. "Thanks, Brittany." "Your welcome. Goodnight." We went to sleep with our tails holding on to each other. We were smiling in our sleep.

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